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Re: 0.62

Before I install 0.62 a quick question for those who have: Are .conf files from 0.61 compatible with 0.62? I run most games using .conf files then use a shortcut to DOSBox that references that .conf file so for example a shortcut to Fire & Forget might have a Target of: "C:\Program Files\DOSBox\ …

Re: Zeckensack's Glide Wrapper

Man, not both top Glide wrappers hitting problems at the same time! Anyway it's great to hear you're looking at Speed Busters, however I have one request (to throw into the mix): there is a patch for Speed Busters called "spbaddon.exe" which is about 25MB in size. It adds all the new cars (which are …

Virtual PC rumour

There's a rumour that Virtual PC will be improved and ported to XBox2 so XBox1 games can be played on it. More importantly (for us!) is that it might support "advanced graphics card support for the first time - allowing owners of NVIDIA boards to emulate a 32Mb GeForce 3 in Virtual PC, while ATI …

Re: Frogger

I assume you're talking about the "new" 3D Frogger game. Does it have CD audio (verify by playing it in Media Player)? If so it might be suffering the same problem that some older Windows games I have - the CD audio just doesn't start playing. Examples include Boss Rally, Sega Rally 2 and Sentinel …

Re: A few questions.

in DOS
There is no DOS in Windows XP. If you're lucky the DOS game will work without any effort (but you need to be pretty lucky!). Otherwise you might need VDMsound to emulate soundcard/DOS CD-ROM driver (at a minimum) or DOSBox to emulate most of DOS. If the game in question used high-res then DOSBox may …

Re: Some DOS games on XP = shakey-vision, any fixes?

in DOS
yeah I know, Wipeout XL/2097 is a whole other can of worms. An unthrottled piece of poor programming! Odd given that Psygnosis released it around the same time as Formula 1 (95) which can still be coaxed into working in Windows XP, whereas Wipeout XL runs at a million frames per second! Actually in …

Re: Some DOS games on XP = shakey-vision, any fixes?

in DOS
I'm not talking about interferance! Try running either of those games (available at Underdogs) and see if you get the same - the vsync is either out or a rogue frame keeps jumping in every few frames. Could these be using VESA as they run 640x480 res in DOS? I'm still not sure which games do use …

Re: Zeckensack's Glide Wrapper

BRally.exe is the Boss Rally game exe. You need Win98 compatibility mode on it. BossRally.exe runs the opening video then calls BRally.exe SetVideo.exe lets you change the graphics card. Direct3D doesn't detect my ATI Radeon 9800XT so I use the following in SetVideo.exe to use Glide: - I know the …

Some DOS games on XP = shakey-vision, any fixes?

in DOS
Is there any way of preventing (or minimising) the aweful shakey flicker seen in some high-res (and some low-res!) DOS games when running in WinXP? Examples include Scorcher and Test Drive Off Road (both obtainable from Home of the Underdogs if anyone else wants to have a look!). These can be run in …

Re: Monitor refresh rate...

I'd like to know if there's a decent fix for this, however some games might use the 60hz as a timer and might run too fast if ran at a higher refresh rate? However DOS games run through DOSBox run at whatever screen refresh rate you have in Windows (which is nice!), but this isn't "official" DOS. …


Dege has updated the Pod/Pod Gold patch to include more versions (as Ubisoft went mental and made hundreds of different exes!). As before the best bet seems to be the 3Dfx Glide version (you need glide.dll and sst1init.dll in your windows/system32 folder for 3Dfx to be detected*) then use Dege's …

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