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Re: touring old commodore plant

in Milliways
I remember seeing one of those videos but I had forgotten about it! The mention of 9-track tape in my original post made me look that up. I had seen those several times (thought not in person) without really knowing what they were (other than data storage.) It makes me realize how far everything has …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
Continuing with the house example.... When you rent, you NEVER STOP PAYING. You could live there for 30 years, and then you retire, can't make the payments anymore, well, you are out on the street. Those 30 years count for nothing You could pay Netflix for 30 years...and the price is up to $400 a …

Re: nostalgia midlife crisis

in Milliways
I am not saying the OP is old ( I am much older, trust me) but I DO think that as you get older your perspective definitely changes. When you have MANY more years behind you than ahead. When you start to realize that it is much too late for any kind of real course correction. And that everything is …

Re: Online copies of games are not owned

in Milliways
I hate to say it but I gave up on games a LONG time ago - when it got to where you could no longer just but a disk in a store and install it (without an internet connection or some kind of account) I HATE this whole subscription movement

Re: What would you do different?

in Milliways
Something else I might do different - not mess with those internal/external hard drive enclosures (drive enclosure mounted in PC case and taking up an IDE slot) but with a removable drive. I had a couple. Problem is - they take up an IDE slot. Better solution network the computers

Re: What would you do different?

in Milliways
Surely you joke about the floppy disk thing? Even by the 90s they were becoming woefully inadequate. I was an early adopter of CD-R, and I have always felt like that was very much worth the money

Re: Which computer to keep?

in Milliways
Resurrecting and older thread here but.... Just looking at ebay prices, Asus CUBX vs. Tyan1854.... the prices tell you which one is considered to be more valuable (the Asus)

What would you do different?

in Milliways
If you could go back to the 90s, what would you do different (regarding computers)? My list would be: 1. Avoid tape drives (at least the ones I had, that use the floppy controller = way to slow) 2. Avoid K6-2 completely 3. Jump on WinXP way sooner than I did. 4. Stockpile some more of the "good" DVD …

Re: so I had the urge to get out an old Linux computer

in Milliways
If anyone is interested, I tried to upgrade to netscape 6, but couldn't find the download Then I started looking at firefox....the latest version I could run was like 0.70. Couldn't get that to run. Maybe this is telling me something - that his really old stuff may not be worth fooling around with …

looking at motherboards

in Milliways
I was looking at motherboards and now I am depressed :( I am realizing how much things have changed. The last system I built was an athlon XP and I was behind the time when I built that - all that stuff I got used so it was old back then. I used that as long as I could, and then gave up on building …

Re: end of DVD storage

in Milliways
Well I left a very negative review on the website. They had the 8x ones pictures, but sent the 16X. Not the same thing at all. I had found a website that claimed to have some some 8X JVC/TY ones. I find that VERY hard to believe. I sent them an email inquiry but never got a reply

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