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Re: Windows 7 Risk

in Milliways
Some interesting discussions here. Has broadened out past the original question. I was talking to a friend of mine who might have a good approach. He says he has a computer that is used ONLY when when needs to do any kind of transaction online; the rest of the time it is not used and not connected …

Windows 7 Risk

in Milliways
Just a general question - how much of a risk is it to continue to use Windows 7? MOSTLY I just use it for browsing. Since they started two-factor authentication at work I quit using it check email from home (their loss) But I don't think I would do online ordering. But how can you tell for sure? It …

ode to windows 98 and office 97

in Milliways
The title says it all - ode to windows 98 and office 97 1. Installation does not require an internet connection 2. Neither requires product activation 3. Neither requires a micro$oft account or annual fees 4. No advertising crammed down your throat 5. No attempts to force you into storing your files …

Re: Online account craze

in Milliways
I agree this is completely out of hand And I am becoming increasingly resistant to it See this - this is CASH. You don't need ANY information about me. You don't need my phone number. You don't need my email. You don't need my street address. Every "account" that you have is another way you …

Re: Is the interest in retro PC hardware decreasing?

in Milliways
I can only speak for myself, but I think I am even more stubbornly hanging on to old OS and old software. I hare the whole modern computing scene - forced upgrades, subscription software - they can keep it. Keep one relatively modern computer for getting online, do everything possible offline.

Re: problems with dell optiplex

in Milliways
And if I could just go but a copy on disk I could. I doubt any legitimate copy could be bought for 14-year old software. I don't see ebay sellers could be selling disks "used" since the activation software would already have been used. And like I said, even it it not used you are probably just …

Re: old movies

in Milliways
I went though a phase there were I was buying and watching 70s movies. One was "close encounters of the third kind" which I had not seem since I was a kid I will have to say most of my movies are from the 80s and 90s And by the way - physical media forever

Re: problems with dell optiplex

in Milliways
It's win7 It seems like my options are: 1. Install the dell reinstall program that creates a bootable USB reinstall drive. I did download it but not install. I *think* this downloads from the internet and not recovery partition. That office 2010 starter might or might not be there. It might not hurt …

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