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Mounting the Floppy Drive

I have used the following command to mount my floppy drive: mount a a:\ -t floppy. Whenever I do this and there is a floppy (usually an installation disk) in the drive, the floppy becomes corrupted thereafter. What is happening to it? This happened recently with Mech Brigade and Magic Candle. …

Re: Batch Files

Thanks for the feedback. I just want to be able to launch games immediately by just typing their respective .exe file, basically eliminating the extra step of changing directories.

Batch Files

How do I create batch files to instantly load games? So far, I know only to edit the dosbox config file, but it's only for a single game. How do I create batch files for other games?

Re: 1942 Pacific Air War and Floppy drive

Thanks for the replies! I tried all variations of install c: that I know of, to no avail. However, I succesfully copied the floppies into the dosbox directory through Win7. From there I ran the 1942 install through dosbox. After some tinkering with installation directories, I finally got the game up …

Re: 1942 Pacific Air War and Floppy drive

At the end of dosbox-0.74.conf I have the following (typed immediately below "# You can put your MOUNT lines here."): mount c c:\dosgames c:\ mount d d:\ -t cdrom So, after I launch DOSBox I type "mount a a:\ -t floppy which appears to mount it succesfully. I could then access the contents of 1942 …

1942 Pacific Air War and Floppy drive

I just dug up 1942 PAW floppy disks (plus 3 scenario disks) but I can't get the install started. I mount the a:\ drive as the floppy drive then type 'install', but I get a "You have selected a drive that doesn't physically exist!" message. I recently installed Armored Fist disks without any problem. …

Floppy Drive

First of all, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for DOSBox! No longer must I undertake compiling old parts and attempting to build another computer only dedicated for DOS games. Already I am playing XCom, Panzer General, Aces Collection, Hind, Day of Tentacle, and so on...! Recently I rediscovered …

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