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Re: Tomb Raider inventory hang with Voodoo3 3000 and Glide patch

in DOS
Oh, another question for you, batracio (or anyone who cares to jump in): When I get an original Voodoo card, is it possible to install it alongside the Voodoo3 card and have some games use Voodoo and other games Voodoo3, whichever works best for each game? I'm not surprised if it's not possible, …

Re: Tomb Raider inventory hang with Voodoo3 3000 and Glide patch

in DOS
The information you found on that page is very outdated (and wrong!!! Glide support in GeForce3 without a wrapper? No way). I had my suspicions to that effect (the page is nigh unreadable and has a hacky unreliable, anecdotal feel to it), but nothing to prove it with :-) Forget about what version …

Re: Tomb Raider inventory hang with Voodoo3 3000 and Glide patch

in DOS
Thank you for your comprehensive answer, batracio. My attempts are mostly based on http://www.smokeypoint.com/banshee.html , where there are reports of people having successfully played TR with Voodoo3 using the Rush patch, even without the use of GliDOS. The page is geared towards people playing …

Tomb Raider inventory hang with Voodoo3 3000 and Glide patch

in DOS
Here's a problem Google failed to assist me with. I've got a P3 550MHz retro rig running various things, DOS 6.22 among them. It's currently equipped with a Voodoo3 3000 (IIRC) AGP card, bought second-hand, brand unknown. I installed Tomb Raider and augmented it with the Voodoo Rush patch and the …

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