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Re: Anyone have a jukebox program for music files? (.MOD .S3M .MID .XM .ROL .RAD etc...)

Cubic player is good, but what I'm really looking for is something like a front-end for Cubic plus other players that do things Cubic can't. It's fantastic for MODs and advanced formats like .IT, and usually use it with my GUS ACE. Can't remember if it supports OPL2 file types like RAD and HSC. On …

Anyone have a jukebox program for music files? (.MOD .S3M .MID .XM .ROL .RAD etc...)

Hiya all.... I thought that maybe there was an off-chance that someone else here who was a vintage sound card guru might have a groovy setup for playing these kind of tunes. I was hoping to find something that combines the features of something like DWJukebox (dot com -a DOS mp3 player and skinnable …

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