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Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Easter means some spare time, so I decided to work a little on SGL and S3DTK wrapper as Myloch requested. :) After doing complete rewrite of my wrappers in order to unify them with my new (sadly, not shiny yet) DirectDraw wrapper I couldn't make Biohazard to work any longer. Today I figured out that …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

So... I made from scratch a new version of my PowerSGL wrapper, which also includes DirectDraw wrapper. I would like to release this as soon as possible, but first I need to finish DirectDraw wrapper and correct some SGL issues. I have attached link to the video and four screenshots from Virtual On. …

Re: ATI experimentation

Found new ATI3DCIF wrapper based on GLCIF: https://github.com/ata4/glrage/tree/master It's not mine, but looks quite nice. And supports Assault Rigs in which personne was interested. 😀

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Hmm, let see... I managed to finally get rid of projection/perspective problems, now rendering is glitch free. Transparency is also working, although I should look if it's done right. Only my DirectDraw replacement is still not done. For now I have quite serious health issues, so I can't work on …

Re: Expendable (by Rage) bump mapping issue

in Windows
ZellSF , I believe that switch in options menu is for bump mapping on objects not EMBM on water surface, although it's my first time playing this game so I'm not sure. You can see the difference on objects when switching it on/off. I only bypassed the Matrox hardware check, nothing is forced on. …

Re: Expendable (by Rage) bump mapping issue

in Windows
Try this: http://redtux.rocik.net/?page=projects&sub=expendable Apply this on a clean Expendable installation from Retail CD. Works on my desktop with NVIDIA GeForce 6100 on 32bit version of Microsoft Windows 7. It will crash when exiting the game, just tell me if this works for you and then I'll …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Unfortunately I can't find the SDK. I've already contacted Matrox with information where it was on their site in the past, but they answered after two weeks and informed me that they are not interested in supporting such old products and I can only look on their site if I can find something that …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Small update. As I said before polygon z-depth issue is now fixed in Biohazard. It's sadly quite dirty fix, but works on most SGL applications and games so it doesn't matter that much for now. There are still texture glitches because there is no perspective correction taken into account. After …

Re: Vogons IRC?

in Milliways
Looks like #vogons on freenode was registered by SStrife in 2014-03-09, but he was last seen in 2014-03-27... we can always ask freenode staff to free this channel. 😀 On the other hand, #dosbox channel is a pure silence despite a lot of users are there or it might be that I came at the wrong time. …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Looks like nobody cares, but small update - texturing is now fixed for real! For example in VirtualOn it's just perfect. I did comparison with real PowerVR (sadly can't find one for testing) on youtube video and every texture is mapped on it's place! :) Now to get rid of projection glitches, finish …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Small update: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjXqwB8Q9Ew Like in the description, thanks to one person at Vogons I managed to get Japanese version of Resident Evil called Biohazard. At first it didn't booted correctly, then it had rendering problem called "black screen". ;) I've got some ideas how …

Re: Is this the possibility of a Power VR SGL Wrapper?

Hehe no problem, actually it's good to see that there are other people involved in developing wrappers for APIs less common than Glide. Yeah, I'm focused actually more on NV1 wrapper because it's much harder to develop this one and I really like challenges. Also SGL wrapper needs to be rewritten …

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