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Re: DUDE, show me your Dell!

https://s25.postimg.cc/kio0j5bun/Dells.jpg From left to right XPS T500 upgraded to 1Ghz that has its own post here https://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=32853 2 Precision T5500's Both originally had a single 2Ghz CPU running WinXP x64 with 2GB Ram and used as CCTV servers. I got the 2nd CPU cage …

Re: Asus P2B-DS Build

Visited the family in Australia earlier this year so did a bit of a stocktake of what I still have at my parents. This is the motherboards original case. I will bring it back with me on one of my visits home and reunite the 2 but maybe wait till I'm no longer living in a flat! https://s25.postimg.cc …

Re: Good card to pair with Voodoo-2 PCI ?

No such thing as a AGP Voodoo2. Voodoo 1 and 2 were "add on" cards and still need a separate 2d card (can be any card including a more modern 3d card like a Geforce) a real rough idea would be the voodoo number with the Pentium, so Pentium 1 voodoo 1, P2 voodoo 2, etc

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