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Re: Beneath a Steel Sky CD - Roland music + SB Speech

in DOS
Excellent that a patch finally has been made. A final issue is that the game for some reason (not a fault of the patch, the game always has done so) lowers SoundBlaster volume in DOSBox (to 4:4 in DOSBox-X and 12:12 in Daum), making sound effects almost inaudible against the MT-32 music. And the …

Re: Anybody tried this with your MT-32?

Unfortunately you cannot do this with the standard Munt driver for Windows. You either need 2 real MT-32's or use Munt VSTi. Yes you can; I got it working using LoopMIDI and MIDI-OX. Make 3 midi ports in LoopMIDI (let's call them A, B and C) In MIDI-OX set from "Options" -> "Midi Devices..." A as …

Re: WinGroove lives again (in soundfont form)

in PC Emulation
Hi all, I give you my personal version of Wingroove soundfont converted using the code https://github.com/pachuco/WGKnife to which I congratulate them. Could it be possible to do it the other way around, creating a custom soundbank for WinGroove to use? I'm wondering because I became interested in …

Re: Worst adventure game ever made?

in Milliways
Psycho https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Piq2jPg-c-Q https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2012/07/game-22-psycho-introduction.html https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2012/07/game-22-psycho-exceeding-expectations.html https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2012/08/game-22-psycho-won.html https://advgamer.blogspot.com/2012/ …

Re: A couple of Sierra SCI questions

Regarding point 1, it's indeed possible to play the game in DOSBox with MT-32 music and digitised audio, I did so in early 2013. Here's a longplay video with such a sound setup; the arrow-firing sound effect in the title screen is a clear tell. Note that not every sound effect is made with recorded …

Re: Recent games made for MS-DOS

in Milliways
ADOM continues to have versions for MS-DOS, although that one started development in the '90s. With some tweaking, many games made with AGS can be played in DOSBox, although performance isn't optimal: https://youtu.be/VYFL1Q8aeSk

Re: Soundfonts and Retrogaming MIDI

appiah4 wrote: Soundfonts I looked for but failed to find or were commercial: Musyng GM/GS I did a quick google search and found several download links here: http://www.synthfont.com/soundfonts.html I tried the OneDrive link and it worked from me. BTW, LauGM is 124 MB when the .sfArk is unpacked.

Re: Soundfont recommendation thread

in Milliways
Another good one is fireball sf, bby Lord Of the Chicken Wings. I personally use that as my primary soundfont. Whoa, that's quite big - almost 400 Mb. How many soundfont makers actually try to make them small too? Mine is 127 Mb (still somewhat large) and sounds much better IMO than almost any …

Re: Basic GLSL shader support (prototype)

is it or would it be possible somehow to use retroarch's "crt-royale" shader with directly with dosbox (the dosbox core in retroarch is not really very usable). Apparently not, as it seems to be RetroArch-only: http://filthypants.blogspot.fi/2015/04/more-crt-shaders.html This shader was written by …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

I had the same problem, but after seeing James-F's screenshot and taking a closer look at the wording in the conf: Note that in case it is used, the respective shader files must be found in the "glshaders" subdirectory relatively to where the default DOSBox configuration fiel is stored. For shader …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

Clearly, the ECE edition is the new Daum replacement. I hope not. It is great having a build that provides more accurate audio and a few enhancements like Munt, I would really hate to see this become another everything-including-the-kitchen-sink build. Each added patch creates another possibility …

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