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Re: What game are you playing now?

Dark Brotherhood assassins really start to get annoying. Now they attack in pairs with Adamantium Jinkswords doing an extra 10pts of poison damage and 10pts of paralyze. Maybe I should have something made with a resist paralysis constant effect enchantment. Or at least have some cure paralysis …

Re: What game are you playing now?

but doesn't fix the issues entirely. At least on my system music still bugged out occasionally. Only thing that comes to mind is DirectSound being incredibly dumb since Windows Vista replaced the entire audio stack in Windows. There's nothing that can be done about that though unfortunately. Though …

Re: What game are you playing now?

1. It uses DirectMusic which was deprecated starting with WinVista causing all kinds of issues if played on Vista or newer. Like music not playing, the intro doesn't work correctly, even crashing apparently. Specifically; it uses the scripting engine of DirectMusic to handle a lot of things in sync …

Re: What game are you playing now?

In terms of gameplay, Thief 3 plays a bit differently from its predecessors. First, it was clearly designed with the third-person view in mind (e.g. like Splinter Cell), which is what I'm using. The weird head bobbing mechanics that are present in first-person mode make me nauseous, so I'd rather …

Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

How do you keep it intact? You need to either avoid damage all the time; or make sure you have atleast a Assault Vest as that takes priority for damage absorption away from the Toxin Suit. A Shield Belt would also avoid damaging both your Assault Vest and Toxin Suit because it absorbs 100% damage …

Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

Here is one thing I found out too. The BioWeapon must be the worst weapon in gaming history. Its so strong but looks soooo boring. I am trying to avoid using it because I do not like the design. The GES BioRifle becomes the most safest weapon to use in the game if you manage to keep a Toxin Suit …

Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

leileilol wrote on 2025-01-31, 01:12: The initial release had "CurvedSurfaces". I must have completely missed that, do all the initial releases have that though? Because I have a US release and a EU release of Unreal 1. Now I wish my old PC was still in working condition for me to try it on actual …

Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

Unreal's pre-release marketing was slightly misleading post-patch though. They had regressed the engine's ability to subdivide models and smooth them out early on (no, 227 does not fix this). Then GlideDrv had multitexturing get all the lighting dark... Though I was playing a leaked beta the " …

Re: Unreal 1 - What is your opinion about it?

Do you have some good single player mod or conversions with focus on a story that you can recommend? I just tried the old Strike Force and Tactical Command mods for UT if I remember correctly. If you want some good Unreal 1 singleplayer maps try the following: Spantobi Unexpected Threat Alshar The …

Re: Your idea of the perfect game

If one could take Urban Assault and overhaul the unit AI to be on par with a very good human opponent (give them the ability to lead weapon shots and evade incoming fire) and get rid of the blatant cheats (always knowing where your Host Station is and being able to build structures free of charge) …

Re: Still using XP and dont want to change

leileilol wrote on 2024-12-02, 06:17: and they're largely off in some way (within the pile of win11 toothpaste foam shit clones) Like how Wine can't really do it properly? (uncheck the ability for the windows to be decorated by the window manager in winecfg)

Re: Still using XP and dont want to change

There is a project called Chicago95 which is a conversion of Ubuntu Linux to make it look and feel like Windows 95: https://github.com/grassmunk/Chicago95 As sad and unfortunate as this is (I'm still using it regardless) I think Chicago95's days are numbered. GTK3's "Client Side Decoration" system …

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