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Re: The 486 I just built

Cool, can we have some pictures? I like to see what old cases people come up with. The DX266 is such a great chip, perfect for 1994 era games. With regard to that Diamond Stealth 24 - how does it look? Using 3dbench I determined that it's the fastest of the VLB cards I have (compared to a Tseng …

386 revival

An old PC I rescued from the tip recently was sporting a nice little 386DX40 motherboard - one of those soldered-on-chip deals. Unfortunately the battery had leaked and although it did POST, it wouldn't recognise the keyboard. With sadness I decided it was toast and hung it on the wall of my outside …

Re: Voodoo question. Warning - ignorance on display.

I like the 'voodoo 5 as the main card' option - less is more. And this is a P3 system aimed at games in the 97-2000 era, so the V5 is about the right age. There's one selling locally for about 70 bucks, but I don't usually spend that much on my retro bits. Also, I would be bumping a Geforce2 Ultra …

Re: Cleaning old computer chassis parts - Retr0Bright?

in Milliways
Hmm I'm interested in this topic too, I have a couple of cases and things that I refuse to use with that horrible yellow colour. In general I struggle to follow recipes for some reason so haven't tried the exact retr0bright formula / process. But I've recently tried an adhoc mix of peroxide bought …

Voodoo question. Warning - ignorance on display.

I lost interest in computer games during the glide period so am a bit lost. I've read up on the history and understand that glide was a 3D API that was dominant until DirectX killed it, but I still don't quite understand the hardware implications of that. I have a P3 in which I currently use a …

Re: Just built a machine for late-90's gaming

What graphics card are you using? And how much RAM does that rig have? My PIII 650Mhz with 16mb Voodoo 3 3000 graphics and 384Mb RAM runs it perfectly :happy: I also tried it with an AMD Duron 800Mhz with a 32Mb Geforce 2 GTS and it ran quite badly for some reason :disapproving: That's interesting, …

Re: 486 Time Machine Build

I'm interested to know what you used to mount the motherboard in the case? It took me a while to find screw-in plastic risers of the right height since the screw holes in my case aren't threaded. Yes I was lucky that the case came with all the original mounting stuff because it's not standard. The …

486 Time Machine Build

Can a grown man - mid 30’s, 2 kids, mortgage - recapture a moment from his youth? Specifically, would it be possible to experience the thrill I’d felt 20 years ago sitting in front of my 486, tracking Tie Fighters through the pixelated voids of space, or fighting back the insidious Ordos of Dune? I …

Re: Hardware score at the recycle center

Yes that 386 HDD (all 85mb's of it) has quite a few games, DOS, and Windows 3.1 on it. There are a couple of war sims, Sid Meier's Civilization, Trump Castle 3 (never heard of it), Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Keen, Lemmings, etc. And also there's a game with the ridiculous title of "Battletech: the …

Re: Barrel style CMOS battery question

Thanks very much for the replies, I'll take the advice get rid of it. I've de-soldered one from a another board and used the external battery header, which worked OK. So I'll go that route again if I can. The 386DX40 board I mentioned in the original post is dead - can't get it to post. But I can't …

Barrel style CMOS battery question

I've seen first hand recently what a mess these things can make when they leak - I found an otherwise perfect 386 board which has been badly corroded. But I've also found a 486 board which has a barrel battery that hasn't leaked, and amazingly still holds a charge. So my question is - can I leave it …

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