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Re: VGA Capture Thread

Is there any consensus on what is a suitable device for upscaling DOS / Windows 9x VGA to HDMI for recording with another device? This thread has gotten pretty long, and there's a lot of different devices being tested so it's hard to know what the "right" device is. I'd assume the OSSC 1.7 is the …

Re: DosBox on android, no midi support?

Hey, just to clarify I'm not really looking for support, just wondering if there was a known reason it has never been done, if it be lack of hardware of something beyond that preventing it. Also any kind of support thru an author of one of these things is almost pointless as they seem to all stop …

DosBox on android, no midi support?

It seems like dosbox on android lacks any kind of midi support.. Is there any reason for this? When looking up one of the emulators I used It says that the feature was purposely disabled for some reason (http://sinfulandroid.com/android-poster-section-39/andosbox-v1-1-6-1-1-6-android-apk-app-4124/) …

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