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Re: Super socket 7 cpu and sli voodoo 2

The highest K2/3+ CPU you can get. That is best CPU you can get. E.g the low voltage K2/3+ can be overlocked pretty well. Saying this the extra cache doesn't really help in games. Also you will probably be bottlenecked in many cases with Super Socket 7, but IMHO still worth it.

Re: Voodoo5 M5800

GemCookie wrote on 2024-11-17, 08:37: I'm sure these projects are helping with the global supply of Voodoo5 cards. These aren't from existing Voodoo 5 boards but unused VSA100 chips purchased as new. So actually this is adding to the supply of Voodoo cards 😀

Re: best retro card for 233mmx

A 3dfx Voodoo Banshee or Voodoo 3 would be great. A TNT2 M64 also works well. But they are all a bit hard to find or expensive. I'm not sure if this card would work, but looks like a good price https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/375510519301

Voodoo 3 Shootout

Hi All, I have every (I think!) Voodoo 3 video card from a Velocity 100 through to a Voodoo 3 3500 and wanted to compare all of the different configurations including: PCI vs AGP, 1 vs 2 TMU, 8MB vs 16MB VRAM, SGRAM vs SDRAM, Core/Memory Scaling and CPU scaling. I've put together all of the …

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