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Re: Using DOSBox on a new laptop

DOSBox is a native program and has nothing to do with your browser - I don't understand where you are coming from in this part of the question. And apart from that DOSBox will just work on your new machine. BUT as DosFreak wrote, DOSBox is aimed at games only and thus takes some shortcuts that might …

Re: Ultima 7 and 8 won't work on 98SE machine.

Hmm, for games like these you are better off playing them in pure DOS not in a Windows dos prompt, IMO. But as I'm one of the developers of Exult and of Pentagram (Ultima 8 engine) before it became part of ScummVM, I really need to urge you to try out Exult for Ultima VII and ScummVM for Ultima 8 on …

Re: Ultima 7 and 8 won't work on 98SE machine.

There is a patch by Dragon Baroque for both U7 and U8 to play them in Windows 9x. The reason to do this these days is beyond me, though :) https://reconstruction.voyd.net/index.php?event=project&typeKeyword=upgrades ("Ultima 7 Complete Upgrade" has U7Win9x) and https://reconstruction.voyd.net/index. …

Re: Need help installing OSX on a 2010 mac pro

in Milliways
what they said ^^^ :) Probably easiest to install the latest compatible macOS (Sierra or maybe High Sierra) or the earliest (so the one that was available on the day of the hardware release). In the case of High Sierra, however, prepare for a world of install pains: - the image for HS is hard to get …

Re: internet emulator

Closed. We do not allow abandonware links on Vogons and besides that you already posted such a link, everything else is likely to be an abandonware site as well.

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