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Re: Building with gcc 4.7.0, SDL-1.2.15 and SDL_net-1.2.8 produces exe that crashes with Exit to error Illegal GRP4 call

Thanks for the tip. I've downgraded from 4.7.0 to 4.6.2 and I am now able to produce an executable that works. If anybody is intrested, this is what I've done on my environment: 1) remove gcc 4.7.0 mingw-get remove gcc 2) install gcc 4.6.2 mingw-get install gcc=4.6.2-1 3) remove g++ 4.7.0 mingw-get …

Building with gcc 4.7.0, SDL-1.2.15 and SDL_net-1.2.8 produces exe that crashes with Exit to error Illegal GRP4 call 5

I am running on Windows 7. I downloaded and installed MinGW and MSYS, which contains gcc 4.7.0, downloaded and compiled SDL-1.2.15 without errors, downloaded and compiled SDL_net-1.2.8 without errors, downloaded, extracted and compiled dosboxsvn.tgz. Everything seemed to work right. I copied the …

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