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Re: Swaping DAC on SB16

@IcySon55 Pretty similar reasons as to why I use ISA ESS AudioDrive cards over most of Creative's offerings in my builds. For my finicky and particular gear, the ESS cards just work without giving me a ton of headache. Plus I've grown quite fond of ESFM's unique spin on OPL3. Mind you I am not …

Re: What retro hardware you killed today or in the past :(. Killing spree stories+serial killers are welcome.Rest in pie

I foolishly broke a full-size 5.25" Fujitsu SCSI drive and perfectly good EISA 486 motherboard as a dumb-ass kid. I killed a big pile of Sega Genesis consoles trying to figure out how to solder. I also broke, smoked, sparked, ESD'd and otherwise destroyed countless cool and interesting pieces, CPUs, …

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