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Re: PCem Sound Lag

That's good news! It was bothering me a lot too. The only game that didn't have any issues with sound was Doom 😜 When i played, for example, Duke Nukem 3D, every sound played twice. I will try to compile the newest version this afternoon.

Re: Release: Wave Blaster soundfont

Has anyone dumped ROMs so that you don't have to record the sounds? I have no idea how to dump them or how to use them when they are dumped :dead: As promised i have re-recorded my entire soundfont. I have used much more samples and recorded those with much better methods. Sorry it took so long, my …

Re: Release: Wave Blaster soundfont

I have completed version two! The soundfont now includes the authentic Wave Blaster drumset instead of the AWE32 one. Get it here: https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=2560AB987048B49F!1230&authkey=!ACYreiVp71u9QTE&ithint=file%2csf2 I will make a dropbox mirror now :) Edit: Dropbox mirror: https:// …

Release: Wave Blaster soundfont

Hey all! I have made a soundfont (again LOL). For a long time i really wished a soundfont version of the Creative Wave Blaster 1 (With the Proteus Sound Engine set) existed. Well, i didn't. And sometimes if you really want something, you have to make it yourself. So i did! I have spent DAYS sampling …

Re: Favourite / best FPS?

in Milliways
Definitly the original Rise of the Triad. In my youth i played all the famous shooters such as Duke Nukem 3D, Blood, Doom etc. I tried ROTT much later and it confused me, it was so weird. Later i tried it again and i noticed how unique it actually is. I love all the little things such as the ' …

Re: JaZMan SF88 soundfont?

in Milliways
$89 (US) is a little out of budget with the Holidays here.. What are the "next best things" in soundfonts which can be had freely? The 25 MB Roland SC-55 soundfont on this page: http://forum.audiob.us/discussion/1400/soundfonts To Midi: Many people prefer the Sound Canvas modules because they were …

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