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Re: WinXP Updates

I finished building my VM. It turns out that my collection of WinXP updates was almost complete. I was only missing kb4500331. I determined this by first building my VM with the updates I had, then comparing it against some of the WSUS Offline collections available on archive.org. kb4500331 was the …

Re: WinXP Updates

Thank you all for your tips and ideas. Fortune abounds as I have found a WSUS Offline copy for both WinXP and Office 2003 that I literally made on April 8th, 2014 . Apparently I was thinking ahead at the time. What good luck! Even better luck would have been to make it sometime in 2019, but alas, …

WinXP Updates

I just started building a WinXP Pro VM in VirtualBox. This is the first WinXP build I've started since ~2016. Windows Update, Microsoft Update, and Automatic Updates don't work anymore. Huh. How about that? Fortunately, I saved copies of all the updates that were being pulled down from the updater …

Re: Best WinXP Video Card

Good grief. No WinXP box needs a 970 or 980. I'm pretty sure they won't even work without some fuckery. I send more props to lordmogul for being practical, reasonable, responsible, and legit. Their response truly answered the question re: Best WinXP Video Card across all categories and concerns. …

Re: Windows 95 setup guide for the 2020's

Some games like Quake also don’t play well on 486/5x86 This is not entirely accurate. I originally played Quake when it was new on an AMD 486DX4/120 without a Voodoo card or other 3D hardware renderer. It ran just fine. Of course I ran it under DOS, not Win95, so that may have been the difference?

Re: 3D Positional Surround Sound

This post is a correction and retraction. Just in case anybody new encounters this thread, Phil had already documented and explained these features here: https://forums.overclockers.com.au/threads/how-to-correct-settings-to-ensure-positional-surround-sound-over-headphones.844394/ https://web.archive …

Re: Hello again! I'm back from the abyss of the Internet with a new project called the $25 IBM ThinkCentre PC

Hey sorry for the long delay work stuff but had another question about this ThinkCentre if it is a BTX system would a modern PSU work with it? or do i need a special type of PSU? NotSure.jpg I am now curious along with you. I never replaced the PSU in my Dell T3400 because I never felt a need to do …

Re: Hello again! I'm back from the abyss of the Internet with a new project called the $25 IBM ThinkCentre PC

The ABIT KT7A, my namesake, is the poster-child of the capacitor plague. Yep, I'm well aware of it. Chris Passalacqua over at BadCaps.net has earned plenty of my cash over the years. I highly recommend his services if you have an affected PC that you want to preserve. His service is expensive, but …

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