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Re: my magic carpet has crashed :(

Thanks Addict. At my saved position I am mac daddy, and was about to lay waste to the piddling wizards castles with meteors. It's not doing it's "beep you have no mana" thing, but acting as if you've cast it, but not really casting. I may just get a cheat and finish the level.

my magic carpet has crashed :(

Hey all I am finally able to get MC1 playing, and am enjoying it immensely thanks to the team at dosbox. One thing I am finding, I am about 10 levels in, and (yes I have the CD's!) in one particularly tough level, my ability to cast spells goes out. It's not crashing, but when I select a spell, my …

Re: Magic carpet exit on Enter key

The enter key crash was their copy protection... it did a CD check on the first enter key for the spells menu. I still can't get it working from my original CD's, but the versions available for download at home of the underdogs worked with a simple mount. to the directory from the zip. Cheers!

Re: increase resolution/sharpness

I played that one to completion "in the day" and I remember that there were toggleable options in game. They made them game unplayable, but it looked like that. It was a slideshow 😉 I actually upgraded my machine to make the game faster but I only got good speed at lower resolutions.

Re: Magic carpet exit on Enter key

Hmmm... still no go if I mount the CD, using this: mount d e:\ -t cdrom Even tried mounting the dir, mount d /media/cdrom -t cdrom -usecd 0 and got nothing... anyone comment on this? Edit: Mounted a c drive to allow it to save settings mount c g:\games Mounted a d drive for the CD: mount d g:\games\ …

Magic carpet exit on Enter key

Hey all Just found you guys, love the program. It's given me hope of playing my all time fave, MC1, which I preserved on CD from 1994! ANyhow, I get the game responding nicely, but at times, I press enter to select the spell menu, and it exits. It's not a crash, it looks like it's exiting gracefully …

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