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Re: Retro OSes for retro computers

lEEt/OS + ST-DOS "lEEt/OS is a graphical shell and partially posix-compliant multitasking operating environment that runs on top of a DOS kernel... lEEt/OS also has its own DOS kernel, but it is still very experimental and unstable. For any real use it is recommended to use lEEt/OS on top of the …

Re: Retro OSes for retro computers

Wow! I wasn't familiar with all those old Window Managers. So it could be one of those too as long as it doesn't look too ancient and it's useful. CDE doesn't look bad. I'm not sure if there's much of a difference regarding memory usage. The problem begins once you open the first program :rolling_on …

Re: Retro OSes for retro computers

I actually was maintaining my own private builds of the Linux Kernel in those days, including a big O scheduler, AGPART support, USB support, and some other fiddly bits. IIRC, I was using a MSI Super Socket7 board with a K6-2/400 and a Voodoo 3 3000 AGP. I also had a P166 (nonMMX) in a cardboard …

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