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Tandy 1000 TX dual monitor setup TGA + Hercules

I decided to see how well a dual monitor setup with a Hercules graphics card would work in my Tandy 1000 TX. I am glad to say all worked well with no surprises. Setting motherboard dip switch 1 on will make the onboard TGA the primary and setting it off will make the Hercules card the primary video. …

Re: ATI VGA Wonder XL24 stuck at 640x480

I did some further testing on the computer that is having issues. On initial power on, it is not detecting the monitor properly. Doing CTRL+ALT+Delete and after that reboot the monitor is recognized properly and all video modes are available again. I am still doing more testing, but at least I have …

ATI VGA Wonder XL24 stuck at 640x480

I picked up an ATI VGA Wonder XL24. I have used the VINSTALL utility to try and set the monitor type, but the adapter refuses to set any modes above 640x480. When using VINSTALL to try and do diagnostics 640x480 is the highest resolution available. I have also tried to set custom resolutions and it …

Re: ATI Small Wonder technical info

Years ago as part of GRAFIX the Tandy 1000 graphics and sound package I created. I wrote a BIOS support TSR called Tandy11 for the Tandy 1000/SL/SL2/TL/TL2/TL3/RL 640x200x16 color graphics mode and it included video mode set and character output routines. I might be able to adapt that for the ATI …

ATI Small Wonder technical info

I acquired an ATI Small Wonder revision 1 video card. I was able to find the owners manual and software diskette. I am looking for technical info on programming the 640x200x16 color graphics mode and the Plantronics ColorPlus 320x200x16 graphics mode. Are there any good resources out there on this …

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