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Re: Soundblaster Live! 5.1 - Win 95

I'm surprised because IIRC, Win95 had built in drivers to work with the Live!... or maybe that was just the SB16. But in any case, you should be able to use the kX Project drivers to get great stereo sound. You just won't get surround effects.

Re: So what makes a CRT a "Good" CRT?

One of the issues that existed when CRT's were the norm, and which still exists today, is the quality of cables. I would stray from monitors that have cables hardwired to the internals rather than a port, which you can plug your own cable into. But point being, to really see what a monitor is …

Re: Magnetically Shielded Speakers

Something you can include in your searches, in instances like this, are speakers which use drivers with neodymium motor assemblies as they have very low stray. You don't need to limit yourself to computer speakers; you could use bookshelf speakers with an external power amp/integrated amp/reciever. …

Re: PC doesn't detect sound blaster

Any chance his board doesn't have the +5V on the ISA bus? Seems like it should be early enough, but contrary to OP's reasoning that it's not a clone, and shouldn't have issues, I'm afraid that being an NCR it's more proprietary, and more likely to have issues.

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