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Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

coolhaken wrote: Later on, I found that boot to real DOS can solve this problem. On real hardware? What machine, what graphics card? coolhaken wrote: Set cycles to about 30000 and don't press "Alt-F12" when running it. "Toontown -24" works. Does not work for me.

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

I explained why the demo terminates with an error when the -24 switch is used in my first comment. The ungraceful nature of the termination appears to be the demo's fault, but the authors probably didn't worry too much about graceful termination for a problem they likely didn't have. I understood …

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

Well. IDA Pro tells you that the TSR does something to INT 15h and 1Ch: public start start proc near jmp short loc_10116 loc_10116: push cs pop ds mov ax, 351Ch int 21h ; DOS - 2+ - GET INTERRUPT VECTOR ; AL = interrupt number ; Return: ES:BX = value of interrupt vector mov word_10111, bx mov word_ …

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

Hmmm. Sorry then. It seems I screwed up there earlier... 😒 What about the "-24" crash? Is this the demos fault or is it DOSBox that b0rks out, or the S3 card, or whatnot? I wasn't able to disassemble the code. It seems to use an unknown packer and IDA Pro doesn't like it...

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

I think there's some confusion here. Maybe I screwed up some information too... The demo crashes with the -24 switch. I does NOT crash without it. I tried what you said and the demo runs ok. It uses fake highcolor mode in the Minnie mouse part obviously and all frames are now of the same size. What …

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

raer Can you also verify this: When you start the game it displays some text lines about the testings it did. Depending on whether you use -24 switch or not there is a different message there: it either says it runs in true color or that you can switch to true color with -24 switch. What message …

Re: Unsupported video mode in demo

The mode must be 640x400. That's what DOSBox captures when you create a video of that Minnie Mouse part. @s3freak: Nice! How does the part look with your patch? Is it still some fake RGB-scanlines or is it just regular 320x200? EDIT: Attached my dosbox.conf

Unsupported video mode in demo

Hi All. I have this Ms-Dos demo here that exits with an unsupported video mode after some time (~2min). I tried "svga_s3" and "vesa_nolfb". Is the mode missing in DOSBox or is the demo doing something weird? Best Regards, Kim EDIT: The DOSBox debugger tells me: 526975038: INT10:writechar used …

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