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Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Yeah apparently RE6 was a financial disaster for capcom and therfor they ported RE Revelations to all the consoles and PC as well :/ but I am glad since it has awesome gameplay and surprisingly a very good story for a mere RE game, definitely try it out but wait till its like 20 Euro on steam, also …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Yes the 440MX was the only AGP card I had laying around so I tested it with that, I also unchecked the box and tested some older games like Dino Crysis 1 and Resident Evil 1 Direct 3D which ran fine on the 440MX, I plan on getting a Matrox G550 or maybe a Voodoo 2 for this as the Geforce 440 MX …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Okay thanks a lot :] now I am a lot more smarter regarding the m3D, yeah I was kinda thinking I might be using an LCD and I also know that LCD screens can't display proper "black", the black by LCD screens isnt true black or at least it looks bright, I also noticed that on laptop LED screens, it …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
yes I will :D I am so glad that I was even able to get it to run :D as for the controls they are very easy once you get used to them (get a gamepad like the gravis gamepad one), RE 1-3 have the same tank controls and even Code Veronica does I think, hell in RE4-5 you are still forced to stand still …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Yes now that you mention it, I only have LCDs around :/ and the one I tested it on was a widescreen 18.5 inch one, I also put it on a normal LCD 19 inch which had the resolution of 1024 × 768 and still the lines :/ I remember those games, especially games with fixed angles like Resident Evil series …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Yeah weird stuff I also installed the Direct 3D version of RE1 (that one is capped at a lower resolution and has worse shadows than the PowerVR version I could compare now) and that one did run clean off the GF 440MX so my best bet is that I need an alternative card like one of the voodoos 2 or 3 in …

Re: Help with running Biohazard PowerVR edition jp !

in Windows
Okay so after my long quest to finally play my PowerVR copy of BioHazard PowerVR PC I managed to find the Matrox m3D !!! And I also had some time to test it on a Win98 SE PC but weirdly enough even thou the resolution and the speed are much better than its Direct 3D versions I have weird scanlines …

Re: Disturbing Evil-Bay practices...

in Milliways
yes I know what you mean thats why you always should draw his attention to pack it secure, just be polite and explain it to him that you are a collector and care for the package to arrive secure and most people will understand, I also hate it when people dont know how to secure game packages or …

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