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Re: Will there ever be a practical WindowsBox program?

in Milliways
In all of this discussion, it might be worth noting another approach. Danoon was experimenting with adding parts of WINE into his Java port of DOSBox with some success. Before anyone gets too fixated on the Java part of it, think of what might be possible with normal DOSBox or the DOSBox-X branch. …

Re: Duke Nukem games

in Milliways
No one mentioned the cancelled Duke Nukem Forever side-scroller game . The only existing version that was used to make screenshots seems to be very incomplete, but there's a full game that uses the same engine, Alien Rampage , and judging by that the DNF side-scroller could have very well turned out …

Re: Anyone ever played Eradicator?

in Milliways
I don't think the demo had unique levels. In the game, each of the three characters (the unlockable 4th one doesn't) have a unique small mission at the beginning. Heh, I didn't even know about the secret character, cool :) I think the demo I owned only allowed you to play as the dude and the alien …

Re: Good introduction to Star Wars universe via games?

in Milliways
I, too, have never been a particular fan of the franchise, but I really, really enjoyed Star Wars: Dark Forces , which I got initially interested in only because I'm a fan of old school 2.5D FPS games. In my opinion, SWDF does a great job recreating the atmosphere from the original trilogy, or at …

Re: Anyone ever played Eradicator?

in Milliways
I've only played the demo, but it makes an impression of a very well designed, thought out game. The engine is on par with Build, but there are also a few extras like picture-in-picture images (well, a gimmick but a nice one), and stuff like remote-controlled drones you can use to operate in …

Re: Want to be interviewed about Abandonware?

in Milliways
Also MrFlibble, I didn't appreciate recieving that PM which is duplicating this topic. Sorry to have bothered you, I have sent it before the message was posted here. I understand that "abandonware" is a risky topic, and I certainly not cannot speak on behalf of Ms. Heiberg about the scope of her …

Re: Game Interface Design in certain years

in Milliways
Some time ago I suddenly noticed that quite a few VGA DOS games used bright orange colours against a relatively dark background for the menu font - Rise of the Triad , Descent , Radix: Beyond the Void , Raptor: Call of the Shadows , Tyrian (well, it's more of golden than orange), Alien Rampage (red- …

Re: The Demise of MobyGames

in Milliways
They are still not listening to the "passionate" pleas by those who were really "passionate" about the real site. Pretty sure "passionate" is being used as a nice word for "abusive". And they're right to not respond to abusive PM's, emails, or comments too, you can't reward that kind of behaviour …

Re: The Demise of MobyGames

in Milliways
VileRancour wrote: The designer responsible for the MG fiasco has finally posted on the forums, and pretty much admitted a "personal failure", and yet they're keeping the current layout anyway. Hmm, looks like I missed a major development there...

Re: The Demise of MobyGames

in Milliways
Jorpho wrote: At least the database is still there - for now. While the database had not changed in and of itself, the blow it had taken from poor presentation and partial loss of accessibility after the redesign should not be taken lightly.

Re: The Demise of MobyGames

in Milliways
I found Quest for Glory just fine -- the search results are abbreviated. If you click View All then everything is found, and Quest for Glory is found. Are you trying to say that it is normal not to display the search result that is a 100% match to the search query at the top of the results list? …

Re: The Demise of MobyGames

in Milliways
I hear the new layout was supposed to work better with mobile devices and tablets, but even there it performs much worse than the old site ever did, because sure, using hover menus for touch screens is a brilliant idea. I haven't thought about that but you're right. This is indeed the worst case of …

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