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Re: Why pkzip.exe so slow ?

The general rule of thumb around these parts is the developers of Dosbox built it specifically for games. Many application specific features (Share.exe, printing, parallel port access, etc.) are not implemented because no game needs them, thus applications are considered unsupported. Thank's for …

Re: How dose Normal_Loop() work?

I see. But when I set [cpu/cycles = max], nothing happen? It still slow. Another question: I have a custom's dos ap writen by clipper. If I set [cpu/core = auto], it can't be run. But when I set to "simple", It works ! But others dos ap (writen by clipper also) can run properly, whatever I set to " …

Why pkzip.exe so slow ?

I'm programming a dos ap in dosbox 0.74. I try to access some files, but it seams very slow ? As I tracing into dosbox.cpp, and try to figure out : How dose Normal_Loop() work ? How dose "ticksxxxxxx" variables mean ? How dose "CPU_xxxxxx" variables work (in cpu.cpp) ? They must be under a cursed ! …

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