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Re: Diamond Stealth III S540 32Mb

As I've said in a number of posts, the S540 is my goto DOS card. I've yet to find a game that has any issues with it. Scrolling has been smooth in games like Jazz Jack Rabbit and Commander Keen. You won't regret it for DOS. It doesn't fair that well in 9x using D3D or OpenGL. It works fine, but you …

Re: Claustrophobia feeling from having too much stuff?

in Milliways
I had no choice but to build a two story workshop last year to keep up with my hobbies. The lower half is for wood working, and a little machining. Upper half is for retro work, electronics, and gun smithing ( and maybe reloading in the near future). Still building storage for all the retro …

Re: Retro LAN gaming over the internet, how do I do it?

in Milliways
That's cool. Personally I have an image I can toss onto a new drive if I think it's infected, problem solved in 10 minutes. But you are right about the LAN being compromised being an issue. It's just that it's not something that is easy for a modern script kiddie to do an I thought it would give you …

Re: Retro LAN gaming over the internet, how do I do it?

in Milliways
But there are ways through the DMZ, and more so if you know make/model of the router. That's why many modern routers either stopped giving the option of a DMZ, or blast you with warnings if you try to enable it. It's such a small worry with an old 9x rig, it's hardly worth mentioning. I just wanted …

Re: Retro LAN gaming over the internet, how do I do it?

in Milliways
Well, to be honest there are reasons to force your way into an exposed IP. Once there the bad guy has easier access to the whole LAN, including phones, tablets, printers, and other devices. But 99 plus percent of all the hackers who do things like that are script kiddies, who wouldn't be able to …

Re: Retro LAN gaming over the internet, how do I do it?

in Milliways
That... that is asking for trouble. Unless I put a software firewall on it. Maybe even then. In the past several years, I've yet to see a DOS or 9x rig have any security issues being open on the net. Old worms, malware, and scripts just aren't out there any more, and the current stuff just doesn't …

Re: Hired Guns and the Great Gravis Ultrasound Mystery!

in Milliways
Being both a heavy PC and Amiga gamer since the 80's, I'm surprised I've never heard of this game. I'll have to play it on both machines to see/hear the difference. Thanks for the heads up on it and offering up a fix for its PCI audio. Great work! On a side note: is this a game that was also …

Re: Software equalizer

I know you are looking for a software solution, but have you considered finding onw of the old drive bay EQ heads? Here is an example: http://www.telecommander.com/pics/links/audio/futurepowerequalizer/futurepowerequalizer.htm I've got an old NEC digital one that works very well for 2, 2.1, and 4 …

Re: Is it illegal to scan and upload old computer magazines

in Milliways
Wouldn't it be great to have the old "phone book" sized Computer Shopper as an archive. Every month was a 2lb+ book of prices for computer parts (mainly X86 PC). I wonder if Ziff-Davis would give permission to archive those, but who would want to do it. At its height, I think it went over 800 pages …

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