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Re: Windows 95 setup guide (late 2013)

I wonder, is there any reason to use Win95 OSR2 over say Win98SE? My guess is that for most people the answer is - not really. But there a *are* a number of early-mid 90's games, particularly flight sims in my experience, for which W95 3dfx upgrade patches were released and that only really work …

Windows 95 setup guide for the 2020's

Windows 95 setup guide for the 2020's! This is a refresh of my Windows 95 setup guide originally posted in late 2013. The goal is to help anyone wanting to run Windows 95 on period hardware achieve a functioning and stable setup with minimal effort. I define period hardware as a systems starting …

Re: Unreal 1 and A3D cards.

in Windows
... Frankly the Win9x drivers aren't terribly stable either. Or finished for that matter, considering they kept adding unfinished features and making new bugs right up to the end. A3DAPI.dll likes to kill the Win9x kernel and cause BSODs with some games. I haven't had any stability issues on either …

Re: Anyone jaded by modern graphics?

in Milliways
... Whoa there. Lot's of anger in your posts, are you sure it's just about the games sucking? Anyway, I do agree with you to an extent. New games don't wow me either but I don't think it has to do with graphics alone. I think it has to do with the fact that graphics are the only things that seem to …

Re: FreeSpace 2 woes

in Windows
If you have a more modern pc you should be running freespace 2 open Yeah... if I did. Problem is all my newer computers are either Macs or run Linux. I tried Windows XP on one of my rigs and it was horrible. Found out de-checking Glide in the setup fixes the problem. Only... I have to run the game …

Re: Web browsing on 3.11 = NIGHTMARE

in Windows
I recommend Opera (10.10 runs on Windows 95 OSR2 and passes ACID3!) For Windows 98 or newer you can get at least 10.xx series which is a modern browser even by today's standards. Opera is way underrated. It's plenty fast even on Pentium class hardware.

Re: A3D Demos refuses to install

in Windows
Here ya go! This needs to be extracted in C:\Program Files\Aureal\Aureal Vortex A3D Demos Then run the setup utility and the demos should then appear in the Demos tab in the Aureal Vortex control panel applet.

Re: My second rig, a Wings no-name

... I'm guessing the CPU heatsink is from some big brand OEM originally? DUDE! wicked heat sink? does it work well? The Slot1 CPU was apparently originally in a Compaq server. I bought it used and it has served me well. I have no way of monitoring the temperatures but there have never been any …

Re: FreeSpace 2 woes

in Windows
I have an actual Voodoo3 in the system. Full details can be found at http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=36550 It's a strange bug because no other games have any trouble using the card. Also, the game worked on this very system before the last reinstallation. ._. The second problem is equally …

Re: Soundcard trouble

in DOS
Okay. [*]Under DOS, Day of the Tentacle first complains that it wants more RAM, then hangs on a note at the LucasArts logo. If this problem is not a base memory problem, I can help you this. Pure DOS with more than 32MB RAM always make troubles. I heard one solution is "OS/2 Installed - Yes" in …

Re: Unreal 1 and A3D cards.

in Windows
I suppose I'm SOL getting a A3D to work in windows 7 right? Probably. I understand there are no new drivers for Vortex hardware since basically the Win9x era. My personal experience ends with XP though. Haven't used anything later from MS. As far as Creative goes, they are dead to me now. All they …

Re: FreeSpace 2 woes

in Windows
The setup crashes when it tries to detect if I have 3Dfx hardware. If I try to run the game without detecting the hardware it says a 3D accelerator is necessary and won't start. I suppose if I was just able to tell the game to use Glide (thru a registry change or editing a configuration file) it …

Re: A3D Demos refuses to install

in Windows
I've had a similar issue on Windows 95 with the demos just flat out refusing to install. I discovered that while nothing was being displayed the files were in fact copied over only to be erased after something goes wrong. I solved the problem by copying all the files from the target directory to …

[SOLVED] FreeSpace 2 woes

in Windows
edit: This is one of those annoying threads that doesn't lead to a clear solution - the problem with Glide detection disappeared after I reinstalled Windows and I never found out what the root cause was. One potential solution was posted over here . Original post: [hr] Two problems really... #1: If …

Re: Unreal 1 and A3D cards.

in Windows
I have the original Unreal here running on two different configs that both have A3D (one has Turtle Beach Montego A3DXstream and the other Diamond Monster Sound MX300). Both work great with 3D audio and Unreal version 226F. The only time I ever played with HardwareSound was with a SB Live! card and …

Re: My second rig, a Wings no-name

Nice hardware but I'm curious as to why you're running Windows 95 on a 1 GHz Pentium III? :D Well... it does sort of boils down to what I use it for (which is retro gaming). If I used this for pretty much anything else I guess I'd be dual-booting Linux. Out of the old 9x lineage Windows 95 OSR2 is …

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