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Re: DOSBox-X branch

I'm using the daum build from January. I'm guessing I have 4 CD-ROMs because I'm using only the first two controllers, right? I would need to use your build to enable 3 and 4?

Re: DOSBox-X branch

OK: Attaching two CD-ROM ISOs to each IDE controller (except the first), yields 7 CD-ROM drives visible in Windows 95. Is that enough for your game to run? :) imgmount 2 hdd -t hdd -fs none -size 512,63,128,1020 -ide 1m imgmount d: win95.iso -t iso -fs none -ide 1s imgmount e: msvc152c.iso -t cdrom …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Well, what I meant was: if you try to create six virtual CD drives with Daemon Tools (even without mounting anything on them), does Windows try to stop you one way or another? Because that would also preclude trying to set up six emulated IDE devices via DOSBox. In terms of actually mounting ISO …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Yes, I read that too, but it hasn't worked using ISOs or BIN/CUE versions of the Cds. The console shows the swap but Windows 95 does not see it. I tried both dosbox-x and the latest daum build. you need to press F5 to refresh the CD list cache so it can detect the newly inserted ISO (or BIN/CUE), …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

That was a good suggestion! Unfortunately there was no link between the Daemon drive and the ISO. The result was 3 CD drives in Windows 95. The first two were the mounted ISOs, the third was empty. It seems to use Daemon I would need to add 4 CDs to the Windows 95 image.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Yes, I read that too, but it hasn't worked using ISOs or BIN/CUE versions of the Cds. The console shows the swap but Windows 95 does not see it. I tried both dosbox-x and the latest daum build.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

The game does recognize more than 1 CD drive (Dark Side of the Moon). The reason I need to do this is the Control F4 CD switching doesn't appear to be working. The console shows the message that the new disc was loaded and that the cache was reset but it isn't reflected in Windows. The game has …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

How would I do the former, attach the CDs to the IDE controllers? I tried adding 'Standard Dual PCI IDE Controller' but I couldn't change the port ot 01e8 as Windows said it is invalid. I don't think I'm doing this correctly so can I bug you for a little more info?

Re: DOSBox-X branch (Win 95 limitation?)

Windows 95 appears to recognize only two IDE devices (the HD as primary IDE and 2 CD-ROMs as secondary). I have a game with 6 CDs. Is this even possible: imgmount d disc1.iso -t cdrom -fs iso -ide 2m imgmount e disc2.iso -t cdrom -fs iso -ide 2s imgmount f disc3.iso -t cdrom -fs iso -ide 3m imgmount …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Thanks for pointing out my mistake; I changed the line from ISO to CD-ROM. I also tried fixed cycles and the results were interesting. At around 12K the CD music stopped skipping. However the game's frame rate slowed to a crawl. I imagine this will be a problem with any game if a fixed cycle rate is …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Can I trouble someone for a little more info about getting redbook audio to work in Windows 95? I was able to use Dosbox-X and mount Pitfall but the frame rate is extremely slow and the sound stutters. Here's what I've done, please tell me what I'm missing - Windows 95A - VBEMP video driver - SB16 …

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