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Re: Xbox 360 Marketplace closing

in Milliways
As someone who has just recently gotten into Xbox 360 gaming, this sucks. Worst of all, it may also drive up the prices of physical games, which are dirt cheap at this time. This is inevitable for every console. The best time to build your collection is after the next generation comes out and the …

Re: Descent 3 source released under MIT

I don't know if someone's going to go after somebody because somebody wrote a third party method of decoding MVE. Unless Interplay has managed to patent the format they can't. More practically decoders have been included in ffmpeg for literally decades (also ScummVM more recently) without any legal …

Re: Looking for help with analyzing disassembled code->

in Milliways
The purpose of those functions is to shift right/left 32-bit values using 16-bit code. The bit that travels between the upper and lower halves of the 32-bit value gets moved into the carry flag with the shift operation, then inserted into the other half with the rotate.

Re: Descent 3 source released under MIT

Considering every major hardware vendor supports H264 in hardware that's probably a good thing to turn the videos into. Why are we turning the videos "into" anything? If someone's making a source port it would need to handle the original data files, i.e. it would need to play MVEs. Nobody is going …

Re: Video from 486 Sometimes in Black/White

(mono/color, there's a detection pin on the VGA connector). There used to be a pin to detect monochrome monitors (pin 12). It was repurposed in later monitors for DDC, turning it into an I2C data pin. Unfortunately not all monitors have internal pull-ups (required for I2C to work properly) and …

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