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Re: Anyone else dislike multiplayer? No, just me?

This is a common misconception. I didn't know that it was strictly single player for a while. I am guessing that it's big online presence misleads a bit. I wondered if that wasn't the case. There being a multi-player game in the series (TES: Online), and its title being shortened to "Skyrim" ( …

Re: Anyone else dislike multiplayer? No, just me?

The big problem with modern day multiplayer, for me, is that you don't really get the same sense of community like you did in the past (I have no evidence to support this, but I just don't feel as welcome as I used to). The learning curve with some games is too steep, it seems quite easy (thanks to …

Re: Anyone else dislike multiplayer? No, just me?

I think it depends a lot on your age and surroundings. I guess if you're a teenager and it's all about the latest Call of Duty, Battlefield, Skyrim, etc - then you may come across as weird if you avoid all these. Skyrim is not a multiplayer FPS game series like CoD/Battlefield, if you didn't know. …

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