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Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

Just saying thanks for the DBGL. I changed from the great D-Fend Reloaded to DBGL and now I am trying the last version, and It works. I had some problems transfering my configs for every game I have, less than 400, but now I am doing manually one per one, It´s a bit tiring but entertain me for a …

Re: Best CGA & Hercules monochrome games

I enjoyed a lot the first Test Drive in CGA, I never liked that kind of graphics, I only played VGA or at least EGA, but CGA was for me like archaic. But with TD was different, this video game was an addiction to me. Was a surprise find a really good video game in CGA. https://i.imgur.com/XAj4exe. …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

Hello, I recently upgraded to DBGL 0.98 final and now I've lost all of my games. I downloaded the latest zip file and extracted the update to my DBGL folder and started it up and now all I get is a blank database. I've done this before many times without any problems, so does anyone have any idea …

Re: 20th Anniversary of Vogons

in Milliways
Thanks for this Forum! I use It when I want help for D-Fend Reloaded or for DBGL. Edit: Woah! 20 years, It´s a lot, really, in Internet 20 years and being still alive It means that You are a living dinosaur! Congratulations Vogons!

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

From the DBGL thread : First step is to generate .conf files from your D-Fend Reloaded profiles using D-Fend Reloaded in Windows: simply select File -> Export -> Create conf files; After these files have been generated, start DBGL and choose Profiles -> Import D-Fend (Reloaded) Profiles. Select …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Hello, I was using D-Fend Reloaded for many years, but unfortunatelly isn´t updated anymore, so I am trying DBGL. Now I want to use all my games configurartions that I did on D-Fend to DBGL, I suppose there is a way to do that but I don´t Know how. It will be very painful to start over again, config …

Re: Installing Jungle Strike from CD-ROM

Never mind, I've just found a workaround: * Install Jungle Strike and press "N" when asked if you want video sequences. The installer will then avoid the CD-ROM speed check. * Open up the Jungle Strike folder on your hard drive. * Open the file JUNGLE.BAT in Notepad. Then change @D:\JUNGLE HD %1 %2 …

Re: Bioforge: runs, but stuck at start

Hello, I found a solution for the people who is stuck at the beginning of the game unable to move out of bed or do anything. I copy-paste from Abandonia Forum about Bioforge: "Attention anyone who can't get Lex to wake up at the beginning! If he doesn't get up, this is a problem with how you've set …

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

I am trying to import my D-Fend Reloaded configs to DBGL so I won´t need to manually configurate one by one all my games but I am not doing it right or I don´t know how to do It properly. I will apreciate some help, maybe a step by step? I am trying but, well, I don´t get It.

Re: DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

Hello there. I am coming from using D-Fend Reloaded from years to stop playing old video games now that I returned to start play them I found that D-Fend Reloaded is no more updated (sigh). So I just find that there is this front end called DOSBox Game Launcher and I am new to It. I am trying It a …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

So, D-Fend Reloaded isn´t updated any more? I reinstalled D-Fend Reloaded after many years without using It and I have a few questions, after reading a bit in this thread It seems that the author, Alexander, isn´t here since 2016, is that correct?.

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

Yes, It works again, thanks Alexander! *^_^* I am sorry for You, because You are repairing this every time Mobygames does a move, man, I hope they stop doing this to You, sincerely. I read in "About..." in the Help Menu in DFR 1.3.6 Rc2 and You must be that Alexander Herzog then! ¿Are You working on …

Re: D-Fend Reloaded (DOSBox frontend)

and unzipped in the "NewUserData" folder inside DFR Not NewUserData. The files in this folder are only used when starting DFR the first time from an account. Later only the files in Settings are used. If you copy the DataReader.xml file there, everything will be fine. Yes! Now it works! :blush: I …

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