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Re: Guess the game!!

We've done a fair bit of cropping already, so I see no problem. I had to crop a screenshot of Modem-3D because the title was right on the top. You should probably let us know if you've cropped a screenshot, though.

Re: Guess the game!!

ripsaw8080 wrote: Then I guess it must be Turbo Lode (or TurboLode, even the website can't decide). 😜 Ding, ding ding! (I'll try to find something people have actually heard of next time.)

Re: Guess the game!!

I'm stuck, even with your hints. :( BTW, are you the same Radio Poultry on the Dino Eggs Rebirth leaderboards? Yep, that's me. Are you on there too? I used to play the original Dino Eggs (well, a cracked version) on my dad's Laser 128. leileilol has the right idea, but not the right title. What …

Re: Guess the game!!

I might be gone for a couple days, so here's a tricky one. trythis.png EDIT: If no one gets it after a few days, I'll put up a different one. So what was it?? Looks like something I'd enjoy playing. That one was "Peach's Dream". http://lasthorizongames.com/?page_id=87 Here's a hint if you get stuck …

Re: Guess the game!!

I might be gone for a couple days, so here's a tricky one. Filename trythis.png File size 4.41 KiB Views 1376 views EDIT: If no one gets it after a few days, I'll put up a different one.

Re: Looking for Pie 3D GCS games

JIM HAD A SECOND GAME!? Nice video! The documentation with Dungeon of Terror 1925 makes reference to the following games: Other 3-D games Freedom Soldier part 1 (battling Skull leaders) Freedom Soldier part 2 (bug attack) 3-D games in the works as of 5/20/96 time table Yesterday's Past Moon Base 12 …

Re: Looking for Pie 3D GCS games

Last year, I downloaded a file called TERROR.ZIP from a site called "GIFfer's File Warehouse" (which, unfortunately, seems to be down for the last few months). I hadn't tried playing it before, but after reading the last few posts, I have. It's a GCS game called Dungeon of Terror 1925 . Here's an …

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