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The future of Dosbox development

Ok, developers of dosbox are making a great job. The compatibility with the games and the overall stability are increasing day by day. So what? Although the efforts of the authors and of the community, dosbox remains irrevocably slow, especially with newer dos programs with vesa, protected mode and …

Re: CVS Builds (Once A Week)

I think it might be useful repost some important CVS links: DosBox CVS sources: http://pcnwstage.phys.rug.nl/dosboxcvs.tgz DosBox AEP CVS builds: http://cvscompile.aep-emu.de/dosbox.htm Dosbox CVS changes: http://pcnwstage.phys.rug.nl/dosboxcvs.txt Build DosBox by yourself with free tools guide

Novalogic's F22 Lightning 2 and keyboard

The game runs well, but if I press an arrow key too long (more than 1 sec) the game slows down until I release the key. this is a bit bothering in a flight simulator. It seems to be a kind of keyboard buffer overflow.... Apparently any dosbox version does it. I use dynamic core on an athlon xp and …

Re: Looking for older cvs

last time I tried to compile with mingw-msys it took ALOT of time, and I have an athlon xp 2600+ and half gb ram. no I definitely don't like mingw. instead msvc is easy and fast(5 min max). Makes smaller builds and the speed of emulation is the same. I alwais gone perfectly with msvc, until that …

Re: Looking for older cvs

You're right Qbix, but I already submitted my problem 2 months ago: http://www.vogons.org/viewtopic.php?t=5976 and the only answer was "yes ok it doesn't work". Since msvc is not supported by dosbox developers I didn't reply to the topic so I don't bother them. what can I say, I'll try by myself to …

Re: 3DFX and DOSBox

Yeah, you would definately need a power house PC to be able to emulate all that DOSBox currently emulates AND 3DFX Instead it maybe will be faster: all 3dfx calls would be redirected to opengl and use hardware acceleration, so no graphic routines would be executed with dosbox, that would be free …

Dosbox and "matching events"

I compiled the latest CVS and it builds perfectly. but when I try to run dosbox locks up and the console shows: Can't find matching event for key_f1 "key 282" Can't find matching event for key_f2 "key 283" Can't find matching event for key_f3 "key 284" Can't find matching event for key_f4 "key 285" …

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