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DOS, MPU-401 I/O for OBIEX – Oberheim Matrix 6R Editor

in DOS
Howdy, I'm trying to set up this editor from 1988 called OBIEX which was written for the Oberheim Matrix 6R and 1000 rack analog synths. It's got a simple, closed circuit vibe to it, so I'd love to get it working. But I'm having some weird problems. I can initiate a Patch Dump Request from the …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

Hmph 🙁 Ok, thanks for the replies gents’ I’ll just pull up my pants and get my Yamaha C1 Music Computer up and running again. That thing has 8X MIDI OUTs and is “Intelligent” Heck, Texture is also written for it 😀

Addressing multiple sound cards simultaneously?

Hey gang, now I've reached a new height; I have too many old sound cards, mostly OPL3 (CT2840; Yamaha, a Thunder Media Spectrum 16 Clone; Crystal and a ESS1869F) and one CQM (CT4170). I'm building a nice Pentium I 75 MHz computer to use as a hardware FM synthesizer with a GUI (Freq Monster 801) and …

Re: Yamaha YMF7x4 Guide

The driver should be on the CD, MPU-401 mode for it to act as a MIDI IN/OUT interface. I’ve got it on a Pentium I 75 MHz (the manual says 120 MHz minimum) it should work without the extra 128 voice add-on synth and that Virtual Analog/Physical Modeling engine? I just need it for MIDI IN so I can …

Re: PCMCIA Sound Cards

Hey guys, love this old, on-going thread, read the whole thing. I have a TDK MusicCard DMC-9000 with everything (original box and all) but it's in Japanese. I've managed to use Seer Systems Reality, SYEdit and an Oberheim Matrix-6 Editor on Windows 95 using this PCMCIA Card (MIDI IN & OUT) on a …

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