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Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Got the base stuff going to load resources, menu resource loading is working, and in the middle of working on icons. Strings should be easy, dialog boxes moderate, and bitmaps & cursors just "more formats supported" after icons. Looking forward to a 3 day weekend and hopefully some nice time to make …

Re: DOSBox Feature Request Thread

Because it's always such a great idea to open up and say, "hey users, what do you want? Sky's the limit." :) As that dilbert I can't find says - "at least there's a process, even if it's wearing a paper bag on your head and being beaten by whiffle bats." Ah, well, it's not like I'm demanding …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Thanks for the encouragement; sadly I am the dev in question and it was in my little research app. After losing a few days of distraction to it, I can say I was intimately aware of the bug. But I can also now happily say that particular bug is squashed. :) No code progress, just some planning and …

Re: DOSBox Feature Request Thread

Collecting my random comments and thoughts from elsewhere into here, and some are certainly repeats I'm just adding my vote to, and I understand the real way to get any of this is to code it myself. I hope not too many already exist in DosBox and I'm just showing my ignorance. :) All that said, I'd …

Re: What are some great games for 8088 computers?

in DOS
That's too bad. Hm, I "fixed" StarQuake's unplayability on VGA many years ago by patching the CGA port calls into no-ops. Basically it tried to slightly enhance graphics with some effect by directly writing to the video port with CGA specific commands. I wonder if these other games do something …

Re: What are some great games for 8088 computers?

in DOS
StarQuake, Hard Hat Mac, and Pango are three great CGA "slow computer" arcade games. I also had fun with the Up 'n Down racing arcade game port and Lunar Lander, though that was more for lack of games. Caverns of Zoarre was a DnD/Telengard RPG alternate kind of like Rogue that also soaked up time …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Thanks for the community support! I'm approaching the "barely some features working alpha version" of the research app, so I'll find a way to share that here soon. "Save early, save often" applies to banking code with the community, too, eh? :) And while I've dreamed of the DOSBox patch, it had …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

And I now am able to resolve the relocs across dlls to turn import ordinals into exported function names! For the simple Win 3x apps I should now be able to look at memory layout and stubs to bridge these reloc calls to emulation. Imports: MODULE FUNC ... KERNEL LSTRCPY KERNEL OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING USER …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Found the "small bug" that was preventing loading the exported names tables. Small issues of BYTE vs. WORD in the name tables... Was helped along by the book "Windows Internals", 1993, Matt Pietrek, who kept talking about looking in USER.exe at the exported names, so I knew it was supposed to work. …

Re: Can 90's-era joysticks work on modern comps?

in PC Emulation
A tangent, but there are small pcb joystick boards that can convert switches to usb keyboard input, usually used to connect arcade controls to the computer for Mame, etc. One of my favorites is the I-Pac line from Ultimarc.com . I haven't used it for analog pc joysticks, but I've used it to connect …

Re: Writing for dosbox - joystick IO?

I spent lots of time with XT opcodes, but graduated out of assembler before 386 even, so I have magical thinking about the wonders of the pentium opcode set. Just another learning curve to take on sometime. :) Timer chip trapping it'll have to be. Someday, it'd be "lovely" to have some dosbox …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Thanks, collector! That dream and curiosity are the two things driving me. I took a look at the Wine 16bit loader, and it looks the same as the spec I'm working from, so no big surprises or Eureka moments. That just means more work to be done, but I've started tackling the Wine learning curve. I'm …

Re: Writing for dosbox - joystick IO?

I dug up my TASM install to try to write some dos joystick code, but it complained and whined about installing. I see lots of people have both complaining and whining TASM, and lots of people got it working, so I'll follow up with that. I was looking for some dos timer code to have my "game" run at …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Reloc tables and fake segment layout came out OK, but I ran into unexpected trouble trying to take "import User func #12" or "import Kernal func #2b" and find the export in USER.exe, etc. User doesn't actually export much, at least according to the spec I'm working from. Maybe it's "special" being …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

I've gotten through the first 'header info' pass of NE loading and am tackling the relocation data. Other than RELOC, I think I have all the tables translated, with probably some bugs in the resource table. I know a lot about a given Win31 executable now, though I still don't have the functions …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Heh, cool links. I've downloaded the Wine code this week and started poking around to get a feel for it. I was assuming a real or emulated Window Manager was going to be required no matter what, but Wine doesn't even require a WM anymore sure sounds interesting, if I understood it correctly. …

Re: Wine as Win31 replacement in DOSBox?

Haven't played with the documentation yet, but have a little app that loads a win31 exe, shows binhex, and has a start parsing/displaying the NE format. A little more work on the basics of the format and hopefully I can output the initial depends info with actual function bindings, and enough info …

Re: Writing for dosbox - joystick IO?

Ok, I tried to track down "how to use Thrustmaster in your dos game" info, but not having luck so far. The Thrustmaster Book promised some info, but I couldn't find the links. Anyone have that info or some guidance? I also used JoyCalib from www.oldskool.org, testing the 3 joystick input method: …

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