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Re: DOSBox-X branch

kjliew: I am actually not entirely sure if the current Glide passthrough code in DOSBox-X will work with Windows 9x, since I ported the Glide code from DOSBox ECE to DOSBox-X (with some modifications) back then rather than writing it myself. But making Windows 9x games work with Glide apparently …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

kjliew: I think Rob was referring to the speed of the hardware Voodoo emulation in DOSBox-X 0.83.9. Since you appear to be familiar with the code, do you know what may be the cause of the performance issue of the hardware Voodoo emulation? I certainly appreciate any suggestions. Also, do you know …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

gfernval: What programs may cause the error "v86 to 16-bit gate"? I think we can only test if you provide the names of the programs. P.S. The compatibility issue of "create blank disk image" with Windows XP was already fixed in the latest code. It should be ready for the next release.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

gfernval: Yes, it becomes clear that the tinyfd library is not quite compatible with Windows XP. The "create blank disk image" issue on Windows XP is caused by this since you need to select an image file. Meanwhile, the variable curscr can be modified.

Re: Testing the whole DOSBOX environment

"However, many non-gaming functions will never work. Don’t expect non-gaming functions like printing, file locking, clipboard, Ctrl+Break, LFN support, NETBEUI or TCP/IP networking, device driver, non-bitmap rendering, etc to work in DOSBox SVN, ever. " Actually, I have never expected these …

Re: IPX Access from Image

No, the builtin IPX interface is only available in the internal shell, not any guest DOS/Windows systems. Since what you are trying to achieve appears to beyond DOS gaming, I would recommend you to stick with DOSBox-X for these. Vanilla DOSBox is officially designed for DOS gaming only and will not …

Re: Testing the whole DOSBOX environment

Hwinfo does not crash using the svn version. Everything runs fine. And Wengier: I have been using dosbox for all kinds of stuff since 2006, so although non-games are not officially supported, most of them run just fine. Clearly, this really depends on what you meant by “run fine”. If you just want …

Re: Turbo C++ 4.5 - Windows 3.11

@Suppawer: Do you still use dosbox 0.74 (or dosbox 0.74.3)? I've used the latest svn-builds since 2011 and there have been a lot of improvements, including Windows 3.11 compatibilty. That said, I also want to reiterate that although dosbox does not officially support applications, but that most …

Re: Testing the whole DOSBOX environment

DOSBox is officially designed for DOS games only (see this post from DOSBox’s developer for more info). It is not designed to be a general-purposed DOS emulator, so things that are not related to gaming are not officially supported (for example, HWINFO and QBasic as you mentioned in another thread …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

willow: I just tried Screamer Rally on my Windows 10 machine, using nglide on DOSBox-X 0.83.8 SDL1 32-bit build and dgvoodoo on DOSBox-X 0.83.8 32-bit SDL2 build. In both cases the game launches and I can see the tile screen. Then I need to press Enter a few times to go to the main game. I noticed …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

gfernval: Not quite sure what happened in your Windows 3.1, but I checked my windows\system.ini file and it has the line "MidiPort=330", and the value of the %BLASTER% environment variable is "A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 T6". The sound in Windows 3.1 does work with such a setting.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

caiocco: I tried with vanilla DOSBox, but I think key combinations such as Alt + Tab are transmitted to the host system (I am using Windows) as well, even after I press Ctrl+F10 for it to capture the mouse. In DOSBox-X on the other hand there is a "Send special key" menu group (in the "Main" menu) …

Re: DOSBox-X branch

gfernval: I tried but I think the sound does work in Windows 3.1. For example, I can hear the sound when you start or exit from Windows 3.1. But perhaps our configurations are different, or we are simply using different sound drivers?

Re: DOSBox-X branch

cyclone3d: And this is the 1999 th post, the year when the final version of DOS 7.1 was released.😀 DOSBox-X well supports DOS 7.1 features such as long file names and FAT32 disk images.

Re: DOSBox-X branch

Windows 3.1 sound does not work. In theory when DMA recording function is properly implemented the sound in all programs will work, right? Yes. The DMA transfer limit was enforced in earlier versions, and in DOSBox-X 0.83.7 I specifically added an exception for DIAGNOSE.EXE to allow it, which is …

Re: DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

kccroft: Thanks for the link there. I certainly would hope both DOSBox ECE and DOSBox-X to use the latest CDDA code too. But I think the current CDDA changes in Staging are certainly not small - I tried both Staging and ECE approaches in X before indeed. X currently uses the ECE approach for the …

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