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Re: PowerVR Fun Thread

So far no drivers are working for Direct 3D. The Hercules drivers will load and 2D (Direct Draw) seems fine. But Direct3D never works, the screen just displays a bunch of garbage. On a side note, DxDiag is reporting 24.5 MB video memory instead of 32 MB. I've searched and it seems that the card may …

Re: Another Voodoo 2 SLI bridge

Tevian wrote on 2024-04-06, 00:35: Got the latest boards and they're looking pretty nice. The 60mm bridge has 8 neopixels and an ATTINY85 micro to control them. I'm going to assemble one soon to see if it works... i would make it enig, and only remove soldermask from the quake logo So it looks …

Re: My 3DMark03 Mega Thread

Ryzen 5500 w/32Gb DDR4 3200, Intel ARC A770 16Gb Filename arc700.jpg File size 273.25 KiB Views 237 views File license Fair use/fair dealing exception DXVK will greatly improve FPS but can`t complete all 3dmark2003 Tests. (DirectX to Vulkan Wrapper) Filename arc770.jpg File size 67.76 KiB Views 237 …

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