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Re: Microsoft forced to change Windows 10 upgrade policy

in Milliways
Flash built-in -- yes, you can brute force REMOVE it using a script or manually delete several folders with the help of Unlocker to make things easier -- don't forget its DISM package entries in the registry too to prevent future Flash-related updates. You'll have to do it again after a reinstall …

Re: Xp Pro x64

if you only look at consumers No. If you look not only at a particular handpicked selection of users (e.g., servers/workstations that run Windows). Averaging everything out, it was still negligible. They adopted the x64 version of Windows Server on a large scale as soon as it became available. …

Re: Xp Pro x64

WoW64 is *way* older than Vista. It was originally developed for the Alpha version of Windows NT, to run x86 processes. XP x64 also has WoW64, and runs both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows processes just fine, no different from Vista or later versions of Windows. Yes. It is just that Vista was the first …

Re: Xp Pro x64

Not for end-users no. But for developers it was a good OS to port their applications and drivers to 64-bit and do a good test-run to debug any 64-bit related issues. The fact that XP x64 was there is probably the reason why Vista x64 and later OSes had a relatively painless uptake. That is one …

Re: Xp Pro x64

More ram so steam and origin preform better. Xp 32 with my 7900 sli limits xp 32bit to 2.5gb ofbram but on 64 i get all 6gb Then use an OS that was actually developed with usable x64 in mind, like Vista, or better yet, Win7 (as some modern software already starts dropping Vista support). XP x64 was …

Re: One more reason to keep old versions of Windows offline

in Milliways
1) It's not about keeping it connected to the internet, but more like keeping it on the home network (for file sharing / transfer), without artificially blocking its internet access (which is possible, of course). 2) Well, if it's connected to the rest of the network, with file shares and everything …

Re: One more reason to keep old versions of Windows offline

in Milliways
if you're NOT using Wndows 7 (vista?) or newer, yes you can! You can install NetBEUI protocol and disable NetBIOS over TCP-IP, you'll retain the file sharing functionality and still able to access to internet, you can even close any TCP ports that known to be accosicated with file sharing purposes. …

Re: One more reason to keep old versions of Windows offline

in Milliways
Very interesting. Trying to assess the implications here. First of all, if I remember correctly, NetBIOS over TCP/IP should only be required in a mixed network of NT5+ and NT4/9x systems. Is that true? In other words, in any semi-modern network, it can be safely disabled without loss of connectivity …

Re: english, the planetary language

in Milliways
People who listen to how you say/write things, instead of what you try to say, are not worth your time, nerve, the message. Generally, it's very true. Except excessively bad grammar or spelling (when applicable, i.e., in written communication) can be quite off-putting and almost involuntarily lower …

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