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YAMAHA MU10 repair. RF Shielding?

My XG YAMAHA MU10 worked fine around 7 years ago when I last used. It has sat in storage with nothing irregular happening to it. I have only used the official PA-3B AC adapter. Now it does not work. Power light never turned on. I went to open it to check contacts, traces, etc. However, there are two …

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
You may be blending the various versions of TIM, which is definitely understandable, as SIERRA/DYNAMIX essentially re-released the game over and over. That's just what it says on Mobygames. It does not list any Windows version, but it does list a Windows programmer. So maybe the contributor got …

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
I am now curious if the SCI 3.0 games use DirectX at all. Looking at the system requirements of some SCI3 games, I see no mention of DirectX under WIN95 requirements, just demands for SVGA and a ‘Windows 95 compatible sound card’. I know little about WINDOWS (let alone PC-DOS, MS-DOS, DR-DOS, ATARI …

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
What was The Incredible Machine's original platform? Mobygames says the first release was on Mac in 1992, but also credits a "Mac programmer" and "Windows programmer" but no "DOS programmer," suggesting DOS is in fact the original version. Same question goes for TIM2. You may be blending the …

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
I just viewed a PDF of Phantasmagoria's manual, and it has DOS instillation instructions. There may be different releases for this one as well. I believe that some of the SCI3.0 games even had DOS versions. RAMA and PHANTASMAGORIA 2 come to mind.

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
KQ7 ver 2.0, a re-release, had the DOS installer (and I believe WIN95 support) as well. The initial 1994 DOS release was WIN3.1 only. The OP identifies it as version 1.4. I had a WIN3.1 only version. Worked fine on WIN95.

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
Quest for Glory V is, I'm assuming, a Windows->Mac port, based on the dominance of Windows as a gaming platform. Sometimes I look at games not as WINDOWS/MAC versions, but instead of what APIs render the game. For example, John Carmack stated in the late 90s that QUAKE 3's MAC and PC versions …

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
ddgAhab wrote on 2021-12-09, 17:32: What about Outpost? There's no DOS version, but it is a Mac/Windows release. I forgot this one; It may be before Dr. Brain 3. Is it an SVGA title?

Re: Sierra games and DOS vs. Windows

in DOS
My working theory is that everything up to SCI 2.0 (GK1, PQ4, and QFG4) were DOS-based, the SCI 2.1 games were Windows 3.x-based, and the SCI3 games were Windows 95-based. The last two parts don't have a ton of supporting evidence, but it makes for a neat categorization. A few years back, I reached …

Re: Windows 3.1 / 9x games that require Quicktime

Myst is THE quintessential use of Quicktime, on BOTH Mac and Windows. ???? Yeah, I know -- and so does every single person who knows the history MYST. The OP is asking which Windows 3.x/9x use QuickTime. The format is not always commonly shared between the MAC and PC; King's Quest VII uses AVI for …

Re: Windows 3.1 / 9x games that require Quicktime

Here's my list. It's not complete. 9: The Last Resort Amber: Journeys Beyond The Arrival Bioscopia (QuickTime 4.03 on the CD) Black Dahlia Byzantine: The Betrayal Chaos: A Fantasy Adventure Game Comer Connections Crusader: Conspiracy in the Kingdom of Jerusalem The Crystal Skull The Daedalus …

Re: Windows 3.1 / 9x games that require Quicktime

I am inquiring about any Win 3.1/9x games that use QuickTime - PPC/Mac version, or not. I think Quest for Glory V Dragonfire is another example. It used QuickTime for its FMVs. Sure enough, QGV was released on a hybrid CD. I don't think too many of the Sierra games used QuickTime. Lighthouse Dark …

Windows 3.1 / 9x games that require Quicktime

In a recent thread, I mentioned that I had a acquired an Apple Quadra. I also acquired a powermac system. While I have these out, I want to play through the likes of Myst, Riven, Masterpiece Edition and Myst III. The point is, I don't want to bother putting QuickTime on my windows machine, if a game …

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