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Covox Speech Thing Versions

I know there was some talk of the various different versions of the actual Covox Speech Thing in the CVX4 thread. And our own MobyGamer/OldSkool was kind enough to post some really good pictures and even a YT video about his two versions. I recently came across a Covox Speech Thing, in a full shiny …

Re: Retro Rig Photo Thread

Here's a couple of pics of the 486 rig in my sig. I've been working on this one for a while and I think it's about where I'd like it to be now. AOpen AP43 with 1MB L2 Cache AMD Am5x86 at 160MHz 128MB FPM RAM Diamond Stealth III S540 80GB Western Digital Caviar SE HDD Promise Ultra66 Acer 40X CD …

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