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Re: Best gpu for my build ?

I about have that same setup and the Hercules 3D Prophet II Ultra AGP 64MB seems to run a lot of games 97-2002 pretty smooth. Tried some GF3's but either due to drivers or some other factors didn't work as well.

Re: Dos games for upper Pentium 3 system

Well, I think, most of late DOS games will work like that, actually. If you're into shooters — definitely everything based on Doom (Heretic, Hexen) or Duke Nukem (Blood, Shadow Warrior, Redneck Rampage, Witchhaven). Also, Terminator: Future Shock/Skynet. Thanks! I'm a big Terminator fan, will check …

Re: PC vs Console: An Old-Timer's Perspective

in Milliways
As Spiroyster says, surely that's the other way around. Some PC games require the user to do something to get them to play properly (mainly games older than a decade), such as downloading a fan-made patch, or 'trial and error'-ing the Windows compatibility modes, or manually editing a configuration …

OldSkool2 - my latest Win98SE rig

This project of mine has been in the making for over a year, mainly due to waiting on decent prices on parts especially the Asus board and the Voodoo's. Here's the scoop: Case: Rosewill Blackbone - Newegg had it real cheap! Mobo: Asus P3B-F Rev. 1.04 - started out with a Intel SE440BX-2 but couldn't …

Re: Dos games for upper Pentium 3 system

You're talking about running DOS games inside of a Windows' DOS box and not from within DOS 7.1 (reboot to DOS option), right? Yeah, that's right - hoping to avoid having to re-boot. Maybe some later DOS games will work like Duke Nuken 3D, Star Wars Darkforces and etc. Hoping someone can recommend …

Re: PC vs Console: An Old-Timer's Perspective

in Milliways
I've been playing Doom 3 & Quake 4 and you can pretty save whenever, didn't Halo come out the same time as these? Doesn't matter anyways I play in "god mode". Being an "old timer" myself, the consoles only appeal to me is the graphics but having to jump thru "all the hoops" to get games running …

Re: What Nvidia drivers for DX7?

What version of nvidia drivers do you all use with DX7/7a and DX8? I figured some of you out there have this down to a "science" by now, I sure don't! Detonator 6.32 if you got a Geforce2 are the way to go. Yeah GF2 is what I'm going to install but all the different numbering protocols for the …

Re: Streaming from cell phone to smart tv

in Milliways
Some other ideas I came across: Getting a tablet to the streaming. More cost involved but that's minimized thru cutting out DirectTV, plus wouldn't a tablet have an easier time connecting to the TV due to stronger hardware and such? Getting a laptop with internal 4G modem. Know nothing at all about …

Re: Streaming from cell phone to smart tv

in Milliways
[/quote] You said any idea, so I am throwing it out there as this is what I am using. I do AirPlay from my iPhone to my AppleTV (which is connected to my TV). This works well for watching anything, my iPhone has both Netflix and Amazon and YouTube for streaming content. EDIT: The other simple …

Streaming from cell phone to smart tv

in Milliways
Being out in the "sticks" the only internet connection I have is through my phone, so got the idea that by dropping DirectTV (actually direct disappointment) and getting unlimited data on the phone thus paving the way for NetFlix, Hulu and etc. IF I can figure out how to stream it to my LG smart TV. …

Re: Voodoo 2 SLI graphics anomaly

I get these lines on my old Dell 19" flat screen with certain cards at certain resolutions as well. EDIT: Also, the message about overwriting a file that is newer is probably related to the riched20.dll file that is used for displaying text on the 3dfx settings window. I posted about this recently …

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