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Re: Windows 98SE 486 requirement

OK, so the limitation is totally artificial, thanks all! It isn't completely artificial: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20040506-00/?p=39463 Windows NT 4 dropped support for the 80386 processor, requiring a minimum of an 80486, so it could take advantage of this instruction. Windows 98 …

Re: Native PS/2 mouse implementation for 386/486 boards using the keyboard controller

Aquarius Systems/BCOM MB-4DUVC There was a batch of "Techmedia" motherboards on eBay last year that I think are the same as that one. Onboard everything (VLB IDE, VLB VGA, IO, etc.) I have it put away now but there are likely a bunch here or on the retro web discord who got one. I do remember it …

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