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Re: Rise of the Robots 16 floppies!

in DOS
I was a big fan of the original Battle chess as well. I got hold of it in a funny way. It was on the school computers, but they only had 3.5" drives. At home we only had an XT clone with 5.25" drives. All my friends had Amigas/Atari STs so they couldn't help. I had to ask my dad to copy it at his …

Re: Rise of the Robots 16 floppies!

in DOS
Ha, that would be worth juggling dozens of floppies for. How many people bought this 1993 game thinking it was the actual game from the film?

Re: Rise of the Robots 16 floppies!

in DOS
It's not even real SW chess. The game from the movie with the circular board. (Does it have actual rules?) Just Battlechess with cheesy SW sprites.

Re: 8 bit Diablo - feasible or no?

in Milliways
Yes, this sounds like any number of 1980s isometric games. The big problem with those was that everything slowed down painfully if you had more than 2 or 3 moving objects on the screen.

Re: Which FTP server do you use?

in Milliways
I purchased FTP Serv-U back when it was shareware with free lifetime upgrades (basically all features). Think that costs a couple thousand these days with all the options since its commercial now. One of the better shareware purchases I made. http://www.serv-u.com/ You get a fee 30 day trial if you …

Re: "Must Have" Best DOS games

in Milliways
leileilol wrote: typical 'best must have dos' thread done. Might be more interesting to have a 'worst AAA game' list. I remember reading somewhere that Microprose put out a lot of duds …

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