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Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

Wonder if these issues will ever be addressed. Probably never, sadly. Never, because these things aren't being sold as actual computers for people who like computers to use as computers. They're sold as Boxes of Magic for dumb or non-technical people who are forced to use them by the …

Re: MartyPC

The IBM AT will refuse to POST if your 286 is running above 8 MHz due to an artificial BIOS limitation. IBM didn't want people overclocking their ATs.

Re: MartyPC

How important is cycle-accurate emulation of a 286? By the time the 286 came around, most PCs were clones. You could target exact emulation of the 5170, but what programs would you be able to run that you couldn't before? The original PC and XT were the trailblazers, so when you're targeting them in …

Re: How important is screen resolution to you?

For movies: 1080p >>>>>> 480p, not even a contest. 4K > 1080p, if your screen is big enough or you're close enough to it, the movie has enough detail to justify it, and you're willing to pay for it. "8K": no one cares bro. Maybe useful for movie theaters with very, very large screens. Otherwise pure …

Re: Premade DOS Hard Drive Image

in DOS
You are asking for trouble. I have found that there is only one reliable way to get DOS onto an old computer with modern flash storage, and that is to partition and format the drive using the actual DOS FDISK and FORMAT tools, from a floppy disk, or perhaps a Windows 98 installation CD (you can use …

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