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Re: What makes something Retro

I'd say it's anything that has left the mainstream of usage, support, or general usefulness in the modern world, but also has some enduring charm or "coolness" factor that lends itself to continuing usage by enthusiasts. By this definition, pretty much anything before the Pentium 4 era qualifies, …

Re: I think I need to fix my tube amp.

How is the audio affected? It looks like something is breaking down in the right tube. See if you can mooch a tube tester off of someone and see how it tests. What's the tube number? You can probably source one on AES or something for a pretty good price.

Critique my code! :P

So for my Computer Science class, they assigned a project entitled "Design your own game". Here's the writeup on it: Design your own game In this project, you will be designing your own interactive computer game. Yep, designing your own game. The idea for the game and the code to implement your idea …

Re: Well, should I ask this girl to coffee or not?

Well, shoot... She just flat-out rejected me. I should have known :lol: Oh well. It's ok though, I kind of knew it was coming because she kept trying to brush me off. At least I didn't end up having to email her and directly force the issue like with that other girl. On the plus side I have her …

Re: Dosbox Not Working

juliusaugustus wrote: When I try to run Dosbox on Windows 10 it starts but then immediately closes. I tried versions 0.73 and 0.74 and the result is the same, please help! Post what device you're running it on and the specs. Also try posting your dosbox.conf in a code block.

Re: 1997 DOS games with high system requirements

in DOS
https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjJg7C9iuvPAhXJOj4KHcAaBQMQygQIIjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fstrategywiki.org%2Fwiki%2FFallout%2FTechnical_manual%23DOS_requirements_to_run&usg=AFQjCNEol2DvZmIiJICDV7dfijuWEFQHGg&sig2=71eNi6lmuTF_y_o7n5R0gg&bvm=bv. …

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