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Re: Midi playback, how to ?

What sound card do you have? Note what I said above: But another thing: OPL3 never comes on its own; it's always tacked on to some other sound card. So your card is not an OPL3 but something else. Probably some kind of SB16 clone or variant. Knowing what sound card you have will help us because we …

Re: Midi playback, how to ?

Well, trying to play MIDI files out of an OPL3 is, more often than not, akin to trying to play a Beethoven symphony with a harmonica. It does, of course, depend on the player; some are much better than others. But since the OPL3 is not an actual MIDI device, but, instead an FM synthesis chip, you're …

Re: Well, should I ask this girl to coffee or not?

I admit I am quite biased. I think American women in particular are dangerous (Christian or not). I guess I don't understand - do you mean "dangerous" as in "turns you in for sexual assault when you ask her for a paperclip" kind of dangerous? This is just an invitation for having coffee together, …

Re: Well, should I ask this girl to coffee or not?

Do you live in North America? If yes, then the answer is no. Also, never mix work and play. Yes, I live in the States. But this isn't work, it's college. Sorry, I must have been ambiguous about that. Me: *shows her my most innocent face* "Why, yes. In fact, you're the very first woman ever got this …

Re: Well, should I ask this girl to coffee or not?

Wow, I'm getting a pretty consistent message here. @snorg et al, Yes, it's a college class. @beastlike: I can clearly imagine her reaction to that: Her: "What is this?" Me: "It's a retro DOS gaming machine! Look how cool it is! It even has a 5.25" floppy drive!!" Her: *looks at me with "wut" glare* …

Re: I got some CDs. But how is the quality?

OK, here's a good comparison for Sussudio. The "remastered" version is on the top, and the original CD on the bottom. Sussudio Comparison.png You can definitely see the difference here. Some compression has definitely been applied to the remastered one. BUT, keep in mind that the top one was " …

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