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Re: Which XP?

There's really no reason to use XP SP3 on an older computer (Pentium M and earlier), it really bogs down the system and not much software truly requires it. Sometimes you'll find something that needs Windows Installer 3.1 and .NET Framework 2.0, you can still install those onto XP SP2. Another …

AT Caseless?

I have an AT bog-standard Socket 7 board in a smelly old yellowed, tall and really heavy PC case. The parts inside are still good though, even the PSU. Although fumigating the case is an option, perhaps go caseless? I know people do that sometimes for ATX systems, but what about AT? Is it a bad idea …

Re: Warcraft Adventures recreation, looking for help

I recently got around to playing Warcraft Adventures, on Windows ME of course. I've never played a Warcraft game before, but this is a really fantastic adventure game. I'm really surprised by the sheer amount of animation in this game, it rarely recycles frames even in similar situations. Even when …

Re: Sam n Max - original Windows icon?

in DOS
Yes that's true, but DOS 7 tied to Win9x isn't completely autonomous, you can't really edit the autoexec.bat and what not to load DOS drivers and still expect Windows to work properly. Mouse.com doesn't play nice with Windows. I asked elsewhere and apparently it's not possible to edit up a shortcut …

Re: Sam n Max - original Windows icon?

in DOS
No options for running it in the DOS Manager of Windows 9x? The game does technically work in 9x, but the sound configuration tool doesn't. Could perhaps someone share the sound config file for Sam & Max? I don't really have a DOS system set up currently.

Re: Sam n Max - original Windows icon?

in DOS
Just out of pure curiosity, if you're referring to Sam & Max - Hit the road, what do you mean by "official icon"? The readme file of the cdrom version states "The CD-ROM version of Sam & Max Hit the Road will not run under Windows. Sorry." So it can't possibly contain any windows icons. Was there …

Re: Xp Pro x64

I used XP x64 for about 2 years in place of XP x86, by the time it fell apart and required a reinstallation, I felt the x64 version was a mistake to install. It worked very well as any version of XP does, but my problem is it was significantly less compatible with hardware and software than XP x86. …

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