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Windows 95 ISO

Hello, I'm looking for Windows 95 ISO file to emulate Windows 95. I got some on winworldpc but they had a bug with sound. the virtual machine would make loud beeping sounds. If someone has one that works and would care to share it, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, WBM1992

How To work Chess Mates On Windows 10

in Milliways
I think Chess Mates is a cool game. I Especially enjoy the graphics. However, it does not function on Windows 10. Any suggestions on how to make it work without a virtual machine? Or does anyone have any recommendations of an equivalent game that I can play on Windows 10? It does not have to be by …

Re: Interplay Entertainment

in Milliways
In response to Jorpho, I like Interplay entertainments old educational games like Chess Mates. I used to play it on a school computer. I heard They have alot of old RPG games. which one should i try?

Re: Interplay Entertainment

in Milliways
WBM1992 is an autistic young man with a passion for old games and he is attempting to interact on these forums, albeit with some understandable difficulties. I am trying to help him in this respect. I understand the immediate reaction to label him a bot/troll but don't be so quick to judge please

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