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Re: DosBox-0.74-ES

Thanks. Removing 2nd pass helped. I love Lottes shader in general and your implementation of it Lottes2. It has lack of glow effect and you can't choose shadowmask type. Like you can do it in its RetroArch implementation. But still it's better to have it on compare to raw pixel view. Your regular …

Re: DosBox-0.74-ES

@aqualung99 Thanks for the Windows build. I've just downloaded a recent one from github repo. Can you give some settings advice please? As I can't make shaders look nice. Not even close to what you posted in this thread. http://thumbs.imagebam.com/67/bb/dd/b6022f597562403.jpg It looks like …

Re: Basic GLSL shader support (prototype)

I've built on this for My Dosbox Fork . It has a good selection of shaders, including several CRT shaders and several xBR shaders. Hello Dugan, How actually can I use your shaders? I've tried to use"crt-lottes" with DosBox SVN ECE (renamed extensions to glslf/v) but a picture is just turned into a …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

this needs to be in the user space as on modern Windows the Dosbox default install folder is read only 1. I didn't install any of 5 different dosboxes I try. I've just copied them to dedicated dir each. 2. If you make dosbox to read .conf file from current dir why do you need to make it check …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

if you install dosbox there should be a shortcut I thought DosBox doesn't require any installation. I thought it's a regular archive which I can extract and use wherever I like. CRT Shaders are not something that I use, mainly because they look nothing like the real thing I agree on the shaders …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

Another question. Did someone manage to run Duganchen's shaders? https://github.com/duganchen/dosbox_shaders They are in GL formal and even have similar file extensions but simple renaming them to GLSLF/V doesn't work. I get only a black screen. GLSL shaders from libretro pack don't work as well. …

Re: DOSBox SVN Builds

Laukku Thanks. After copying shader dir to the default location it starts to work as expected. C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\DOSBox This has to be added to a readme file. Because it's not very obvious and more over not very convenient to keep one part of files in your favorite dosbox dir and the …

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