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Opera for Win 95 on a 486 or Pentium

I know version 10.63 was the last to support Windows 95. Did it work on 486 and Pentium systems? If not, cab anyone tell me what was the last version to work on either or both those platforms? I prefer versions >= 8.5, as they are ad free, and I assume earlier versions will still force ads on me. I …

Re: Cracked chip

There are at least 4 variations of AMI BIOS for the HT12 chipset. I found all of them would work on my HT12 board. I mirrored them on my own site a while ago, along with a description of the major differences between the BIOS versions: https://www.target-earth.net/wiki/doku.php?id=blog:286_pc#gw- …

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